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by the.path.i.chose

previous entry: 999 challenge

next entry: Richmond here we come.

camping finally


So, we finally had our first camping trip this weekend. It was pretty decent. We couldn't make it to our little island on the river this time. Last summer it was so dry that the part of the river that separated the island from the main land was dried up so we could cross on rocks. We've had quite a bit or rain in the last few weeks that it was possible. It was actually scary looking. It made me think that what if we went camping there again and all of a sudden there was a torrential storm and by the time we got everything packed to go would be able to cross back over? Would the river rise so much that it make getting back impossible? Scary. But I still love the island. Then only bad thing is that it's about 1/4 mile walk from where we park and we have to haul all our stuff that far. We always have a lot of stuff too lol. But before you get to the island there are three other camping spots and we camped at the second. The island is the best for fishing because it's pretty much a completely open bank without to much overhang from trees to snag your line in. Plus there are some really deep holes and we had some excellent fishing there last summer. But the fishing wasn't so good this time. We didn't catch any bass and maybe a handful of mud cat's all night. I wasn't really happy with the spot though it was more open than the island allowing for more tents. The island only holds about 2 comfortable, 3 snug. Mainly because our tent is like the hilton lol. our tent sleeps 6-7 lol. everyone else and two others we have sleep 2-4. But Jeff had seen a bear print back in the woods from us but it was leading the other way. I'm like yeah that means it was hear and going that way and nothing to say that it won't come back. I was on edge all night. I took Michael in the tent cause he kept asking when we were going to bed. he didn't want to be in there alone. i figured i'd get him to sleep and then come back out. psh, i fell asleep. till about 1 am. i was cold and had to pee. then i fished for awhile with jeff and opie. gordy was drunk as hell but it was so hot and i had been to tired that i didn't feel like drinking. there were others camping down along the river on the otherside of the parking lot. gordy and dan (my bro) went down looking for the party. one camp was loud as hell with music and shit. but it wasn't the first camp they came to. gordy said when they walked into camp they asked the guy if he had a cigarette and the guy was like no but i have a pit bull. wtf? lmfao! gordy and dan decided not to proceed to the next camp. but gordy was pissed. my bro said it wasn't a pit bull but a fkin lab and gordy wanted to kill it. he said he would be pissed if he got to the lot the next morning and seen it was a fucking chiuaha (however it's spelled). so all in all it was decent. we got up this morning and cooked bacon and eggs over the fire.

previous entry: 999 challenge

next entry: Richmond here we come.

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