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no regrets.. just life.
by Bubblesz

previous entry: Main Goals for the summer.

next entry: in work

Letter to an old friend.


Dear Shannon,
I have been thinking constantly about what has happened between us and I want to say I'm sorry sincerely. I was not a good friend to you at all;; I wasn't what a good friend is suppose to be. so I definitely wasn't a best friend. It was my fault for talking to Tony but please rememeber that I did ask && now that I look back on it I shoulda known that it wasn't okay. After a while I realized that he was yours and he loved you and he wanted you so I backed down. I should have never talked to him in the first place. I didnt ever realize how much I hurt you when I never meant to. It hurts me that I hurt someone I considered my best friend. I should have learned my lesson about Tony to never mess with/talk to/or kiss anyone that you liked but I didnt. I'm also sorry about Kasey;; but I thought you didn't like him anymore && I know I was dating Stephanie at that time but I didn't think like I should have. && there is no excuse for what happened. I dont expect us to become best friends or even friends for that matter for I have realized how much I hurt you, && I never even said sorry to you beacuse I got caught up in this great big war between you and me not realizing that it was my fault. so with the most honest && respect apology.. I really am sorry.

previous entry: Main Goals for the summer.

next entry: in work

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