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After A Life Full Of Laughter
by ~*~Bly~Jette~*~

previous entry: 30 day Challenge Day 5

next entry: Killing Our Future

Lazy Laundry Thursday


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Lazy Laundry Day
It's Thursday... Ellie doesn't have school today, a teacher work day. Yesterday Gabe didn't have school for conferences. It's been a pretty nice day though. Yesterday we had a lot of errands to run so we were gone most of the day. Today I'm not going anywhere.. Shawn is in town with my mom and brother so it's just Ellie, my dad, and I here... My dad more or less just stays in their bedroom, so really it's like me and Ellie. We've done some laundry and played some. Right now she's watching Diego. She's pretty excited for Halloween.

I have a horrible headache and not sure why... I've been getting them like everyday. I go to the drs Tuesday so I may talk to him about it. I'm not really sure what all to write, I just felt like making an entry. Below is a picture of Ellie and I today... Yesterday she got a new Dora doll and she's been carrying it around with her almost all day, hehe. But I guess that's all for now... Soon there will be laundry to fold... Bleh!
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previous entry: 30 day Challenge Day 5

next entry: Killing Our Future

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yeah tomorrow is a Teacher Workday for my kids and I've got a slight headache myself.

But my back is also killing me..... oh well... ya know.

My kids are too old for Diego or Dora now... . They grow up too darn fast!

[Randomosity's.HeartStar|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc: thanks!

[~Samantha!~|0 likes] [|reply]

i love th e new layout!

i hope the headache goes away!!

[*~Amber~*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: Thank you. I took that back in April.

[Scruddle|0 likes] [|reply]

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