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Shadows Of Fantasia........
by I Fear Who I Am Beco

previous entry: How do you deal with having the most amazing person that you have ever been with and they treat you like a Queen and love you in ways that you only ever dreamed of?

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PLEASE HELP................


I desperately need to raise money to get the organic foods and healthy medicines that I need. I have to take Black Walnut and Wormwood from your local health food store every day and each and every bottle of it is $12.99. I am supposed to keep doing it every day and I just can not afford to keep it up at this point. We have to buy cleanses for the parasites. They are affecting my heart and my lungs and my brain and God only knows what else. I do not see my doctor again for a few days so please keep right on praying that I will live long enough to get rid of them! Thank you oh so very much! xoxo ♥-

I have a 5 year old little boy whom I love very much and I want to be able to watch him grow up when I get better. About a year ago I got very sick and started developing symptoms that I now realize were all tied together to create the disease known as Neurocysticercosis. It is a debilitating disease and I will post a link at the bottom of this so that you can read all about it if you choose to do so. Long story short a few weeks ago I started feeling holes in the back of my throat and feeling like something was crawling up it especially at night. Doctors all told me that I had lymph stones and they would not listen to me when I said that I thought that I had tape worms. I then saw the scariest thing of my entire whole life, which was a bacteria ( H. Pylori ) come through the hole in my mouth and drop an egg sac under my tongue, right under a very thin layer of skin. I pressed on the wrong thing in my chest and heard and felt a huge popping sound. I went to the ER in incredible pain thinking that I had damaged my esophageous or something like that. They ran their tests and found out that I had torn my diaphragm. I went from doctor to doctor and hospital to hospital trying to get them to listen to me but when you tell the medical field that you have parasites and or tapeworms, saying that they find you freaking nuts is putting it mildly. They would not give me an MRI which is what I needed. My blood tests all came back within normal ranges. Except that it appeared that I was forming a blood clot in my lungs, and other tests showed something about a pulminary embolism. I am not good with the numbers and ranges of things, but apparently I have had a heart attack and did not know it. I also went to the ER for an Ischematic Stroke about a year and a half ago. My immune system is shot, I have almost no vitamins in my body and they have taken over my head and my life. My medication that I am on right now for it ( Albenza ) and is very expensive plus my treatments and tests and I have been so sick ever since this started so I have not been working. I was told at the local health food store today that I should go on here and tell my story and ask for help. I have no idea if this will do any good but I have to have faith and hope because right now that is pretty much all that I have left. They seemingly have attached themselves to my spinal cord and I constantly feel them moving around and biting me, and hurting my heart and my left lung. I have never been so scared in my life. And even if no one cares to help me then may be this can help to prevent some one else from having to go through this. Catch it early on. Look for the signs. Do not be uninformed. Because this is one of the worst things that can come upon you. For sure. Thank you.

previous entry: How do you deal with having the most amazing person that you have ever been with and they treat you like a Queen and love you in ways that you only ever dreamed of?

next entry: d

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