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Jork's Diary
by Jork

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.x. children and play sex??????


advice needed So I need some help. I've never been faced with this before. The other day I was standing on the steps watching the kids, they didn't know I was there. I saw charity get on top of Ezra and kiss him. Then told him to get on top of her. I snapped and busted her ass. Now today I go downstairs and Ezra has his pants and underwear off, jumping on the bed and charity standing in front on him. They both got whooped. I don't know what to do. I've tried talking. I get nothing. They won't tell me where they've seen it. They haven't seen me and David cause we shut the bedroom door. I need help. I don't know how to handle this.

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Hitting them is going to cause them to shut down. Take them to play therapy if you think its more than kids just experimenting.


[*Forever Changing*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I agree. I think it's very wrong for parents to hit their children. It will scar them & ruin their future =["the storm is coming."

[-LOKIStar|0 likes] [|reply]

They could've seen it anywhere. Even on tv that you don't realize they've seen. Or they can just put together the puzzle out of curiosity. Try sitting them down and explaining those things to them because they might not be sure where they got it from. I went through all of this and it's just easier to educate them about it.

[shelby :]|0 likes] [|reply]

Its a normal part of growing up. I would go ahead and give them the sex talk.

[.Kismet.|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm not sure how young the kids are. Yes it's a bit of curiocity and most kids go through it. However, sitting them down, explaining that they shouldn't let others see or touch their "private parts". It's definitely not a fun part of being a parents. good luck.

[A RedSox FanStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Read this.

[Oprah Noodlemantra|0 likes] [|reply]

I think they might be ready for a sex talk, yo. I don't mean to offend, but I don't know how you can whoop your children- I wouldn't dream of hitting a child. They grow up withdrawn & mentally scarred from physical violence =/ I might have misread, but it's rather upsetting. =["the storm is coming."

[-LOKIStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I was whooped as a child. I did not grow up mentally "scarred" from that. I use the same methods on my children. I don't "hit" them. I smack their butt. No one can tell me any different. It's not abuse. It's just a different way of parenting.

[Darenda|0 likes] [|reply]

I suppose everyone has their different methods of parenting. It was just my opinion that I don't like the idea of any sort of physical aggression towards a child. Including being spanked."the storm is coming."

[-LOKIStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I do not agree with beating children or being mean to them. But there are times that time out doesn't work, or in my step daughters case....she pushed her mother. I don't care who you are, if you push me or get in my will be whooped. Child or not.

[Darenda|0 likes] [|reply]

It is a different way of parenting, that can lead to your children being more physically aggressive towards others and yourself, as they get older. They'll see it as an acceptable form of punishment. I don't know how old your children are, and oh I would be lying if I said I haven't spanked my own child...because, I have.... and it scared the living shit out of her, and it scared the living shit out of me, to be at a point of not realizing that I wasn't taking the time to look through my childs eyes and figure her out. You need to get to the bottom of this with words, not a physical response. . and if they're not telling you, especially after you've spanked them, they're fearing an outcome of anger and misunderstanding. The best you can do in this is to be calm, assertive and talking. Yea its fucking frustrating that even though you know you weren't the one who taught this to them, and it's new and it's causing you to be emotionally upset... take the frustration and emotions away from them when dealing with it...vent your frustration and anger on here or to your spouse or friends....but taking it out to them, can only make it worse and I don't say that in a sense of judging you.... this is why you've posted this, because you don't know what to do, so please, take the advice that's being given to you at heart and not as attacks.

[head.above.water.|0 likes] [|reply]

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