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All you need is Love
by ✌-mel-☮

previous entry: a pseudo-notice

next entry: peace out 30

well so much for that


Time: 4:03pm

State of Being: eh. But still in a good mood

Song lyric in my head: take me to church

current desire: a real full time job that i love

where am I?: in the car in the wal-mart parking lot waiting for work to start

what's that noise?: the radio. One of my favorite songs, Avalanche

I only have a few minutes, but i figured i'd update. Russ surprised me with a new phone last night. A galaxy something. (I'm so bad with names) i have to be at work at 4:30, and i figured a great way to break it in is to bloop.

News #2: (phone was #1) i got a new tattoo! It's a tree of life all celtic knot-like with the four elements around it. On my inside left ankle. i love it!

News #3: that drama teaching job got cancelled due to thr lack of kids signing up. *sigh* i'm pretty heartbroken, because i was really looking forward to it. That also means i can't quit wal-mart. Ram's gonna be happy.

anywho. Gotta run. Pharmbox duty at 4:30 and i still have to change.

previous entry: a pseudo-notice

next entry: peace out 30

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Yay for the new phone! Yay for the new tattoo!! I love tattoos. I told Kevin yesterday I can't wait to get another one.

I am sorry about the drama teaching job. What a bummer!! I know how excited you were about that. :/

[*Pixie*|0 likes] [|reply]

The tat sounds neat

[TheHighlander|0 likes] [|reply]

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