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Sing To Me A Lullaby
by SingToMeALullaby

previous entry: ..There a hole in my bucket dear Elijah, dear Elijah*

next entry: ..Bitter Sweet ♥

..packing up my bags & going travelling in a year =).


...leaving on a JET PLANE
Lately all I have had on my mind is to pack my bags & leave on a jet plane. With a map in my back pocket & no plans set in stone. A good friend by my side, for when being homesick hits. Not turning back untill my wallet runs dry. Here is my reasoning why I should go - why I need to go;

♥ If I do go, I will feel guilty when it comes to my mother. Unlike me she hasn't travel anywhere. She’s been saying for years "When I turn 50, I want you & jess to take me to Europe". However when she was my age she choose to have kids. She choose to spend her money else where then on travelling. Don't get me wrong, am grateful for what she has done for me finically. For the roof she provided over my head, the food in my stomach, the clothes on my back, my education etc. Ill be forever grateful . With that said, at the age I am right now I am choosing a different path. Different life style. I simply have Different priorities.

♥ I work as a Para educator, just started this year. Everyone in that field that I have talked to said that it’s hard to get you're foot in the door. Trust me, it is. I have done the leg work ! I have never tried so hard to land a job before this one. I have never gone so far out of my comfort zone to land a job before this one. With that said, now that I have my foot in the door is it wise to pick up & leave? Allowing me to be quickly forgotten? When it took so long to be recognized. On the other hand, am only 21 & only plan to be gone for a year. When I come back, am still at the point where I have lots of time to get back in the field.

It's not like am leaving a job where I have lots of security. Every year paras get fired at the end of the school year. Not guaranteed to go back to the same school the next year. Unless, you have been there for awhile. With that said it’s only my first year in the field & at the school am working at. Am only doing term work. There isn't alot of security there.

If i was meant to be a Para. Then, somehow, someway their will be a job waiting for me when i get back home =)

♥ Last but not least am scared shitless of getting into debt . I probably will take out a small loan, if need be. However, a year is a fair amount to save. Also, its not like I have lot's of debit at the moment [numerous credit cards, numerous loans, owe people]. I have none. zero. zilch =). If I do end up taking a loan, it’s not like I won’t be able to pay it because of my financial problems.

I plan on making this dream come reality in a year. Sure, am holding back alittle due to being scared. But, i know their will always be a place to call home back in canada for me if i do have to end the trip short because i simply cant handle it!


previous entry: ..There a hole in my bucket dear Elijah, dear Elijah*

next entry: ..Bitter Sweet ♥

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Thanks, haha! My bangs are actually just a thick fringe, like straight bangs, but they were too long so i pushed them to the side haha

[! Ashlee|0 likes] [|reply]

sounds like fun

[YourFavoriteMistakeStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Packing up and leaving with someone sounds so nice sometimes.

I have so much respect for para educators :] my brother is autistic and his para's have always been fantastic.

ryc: Yep! sign language is great. I love it. I'd really like to be an interpreter someday :]

[imaginary ordinary|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc: yes of course!

[imaginary ordinary|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc: I get stuck on negative things a lot too

Well, I met my boyfriend here in seattle. but he got laid off, so he's living with his parents and working for his father in Arizona

[imaginary ordinary|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: ..There a hole in my bucket dear Elijah, dear Elijah*

next entry: ..Bitter Sweet ♥

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