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Sing To Me A Lullaby
by SingToMeALullaby

previous entry: I cant shake this feeling

next entry: A little distracted, but back on track ♥

Was a little distracted, but back on track ♥


New month New start

About three months ago i set a goal to loose weight [which in turn, would make me more healthier] for my cousin wedding. Currently, i have lost 15 pounds. My cousin wedding is right around the corner, approx 4 weeks. For the past two weeks i have fallen off the wagon. I have cut back going to the gym [from four times to two] & been not watchin my food [specially pop!]. I guess what threw me off was that i had bigger expectations then i thought. But like my dad says, it took me 21 years to get to this point. So, its not going to be a quick fix! Plus, if i really think about it i am going to this wedding 15 pounds lighter! For years & years ive been saying i will change. Today will be different & finally TODAY IS THE DAY! I have changed my eatting habits & am much more active. I can look in the mirror & notice the changes. Then look a little longer & be proud of the changes. People around me have noticed that i have lost. With that said, am going to continue my journey. I would like to hit the gym five times out of the week [this week was my first week & am already at four ]. Also, going to look into checking out some of the classes at the gym or going to hot yoga with a friend.

simple layouts.

previous entry: I cant shake this feeling

next entry: A little distracted, but back on track ♥

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