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Sing To Me A Lullaby
by SingToMeALullaby

previous entry: ..maybe who we are isnt so much about what we do, but rather what we're capable of when we least expect it ♥

next entry: I would't mind your opinion if you have min or two (:

Am not ready to give up when i worked so hard.


Background; For the past three months i have been working on-one-on with a student who is one of the most challenging [behaviour & academic wise] students in the school. After a month & a half of being in school he was finally able to be part of the class. Just two weeks ago the student has started to complete work & is well behaved.

I worked with him in the morning however their has been a change [ two weeks ago exactly when the student turned around] - which is completely out of my hands. Now, he works with a different person in the morning & me in the afternoon. In the morning he does his work & is well behaved [as of two weeks ago]. However, when it comes to the afternoon its like night & day. He refuses to work with me or even communicate with me. By communicate i mean the bare min - to say hi to me or hold a conversation.

I am trying to not take this personal - that the other person working with the student is better then me because the student is acturally working for the other person & not me. Reasons why it can't be personal;

A. the student feels abonded - once again in his life. If i was in his shoes, as a kid i wouldn't understand why I had to work with someone new all of a sudden - with no say.

B. Its like as if my boss just came upto me & said you are working over time. The student just started coming in the afternoon. So, of course were going to go back to square one just like the mornings use to be. Where the student just dosen't want to be there.

C. Their has been so much change that has occured. New schedule, New faces etc. Change is difficulut for any behaviour child.

D. Last but not least their is finally a plan for this student. Where on the other hand their was no plan [AT ALL] when i worked with this student

Numerous co-workers have agreed with me that its nothing personal. I know the realistic reasoning of why it's not personal but yet i am still struggling with this. Its hard to hold my composure day in and day out.

I truly feel a little jiped [sp? sorry!]. I worked so hard on building a strong relationship with this student & make baby steps improvements. Then this other person walks through the door & it all gets tossed to the curb. The student wont communicate with me & i dont get to reep the benefits of this plan. Which in return makes me a mean teacher becuase we dont do anything fun unlike the other teacher - which is what the student stated. Like my boss told the student the reason why you dont do fun stuff with her too is because you dont respect her or do you any work for her like you use too.

Anyways like i said am really not tying to take this personal but its taking everything i have in me. Also, this is the first time a student has ever rejected me - refused to work with me. Or, even acknownledge me. I understand that may happen in my carrer. I mean, i dont get along with everyone. & it dosen't help that am very sensative.

BUT IN THE END ..Am not wiling to give up when i worked so hard. This is just a speed bump. A new expierence. In the end, I will grow from this. Next time i reach this fork in the road i will be more prepared .

Hope this make sense its hard to put everything in words when i had to keep in the mind the whole Confidentially thing

classic layouts + crayon box.

previous entry: ..maybe who we are isnt so much about what we do, but rather what we're capable of when we least expect it ♥

next entry: I would't mind your opinion if you have min or two (:

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you work as a para educator, right?

That really sucks. It takes a lot to build those relationships. And kids like that generally need structure, and changes like that throw everything off.

[imaginary ordinary|0 likes] [|reply]

I don't think that seems personal. Like you said, I think the student may feel rejected and not know why he is with someone new in the mornings. Can you try to talk to the student to see why they are acting this way?

[*Pixie*|0 likes] [|reply]

It would be hard for me also to not take it personally.
Maybe, like you said, he isn't used to afternoons, doesn't want to go during the afternoons and is rebelling.
Or he just needs to get used to the extra time and work.

Good luck!
<3 Sarah

[canceroustears|0 likes] [|reply]

It could be any teeny tiny thing. I think he may feel abandoned by you even though the swift shift was completely out of your hands. And this may sound a little far fetched but do you think his meds could possibly be wearing off in the afternoon? That would definitely affect his behavior. I wish I had some good advice to give. I work with special needs children/young adults but have never had to deal with a case such as yours. Good luck!

[st☆rlessStar|0 likes] [|reply]

LOL I meant "change in shift" instead of "swift shift"

[st☆rlessStar|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: ..maybe who we are isnt so much about what we do, but rather what we're capable of when we least expect it ♥

next entry: I would't mind your opinion if you have min or two (:

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