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Musing, notions, thoughts and random ramblings
by Man without fear

previous entry: I can be such a dork...and.....other more important stu

next entry: The red-haired girl...and what's really important

Dream denied---and other thoughts unrelated


I went to see a production of Sweeny Todd last night.

Holy fuck it was something else, truly wondrous, I don't often get to the theater, and this was well worth it.

But something has been bothering me ever since.....

That could have been me up there.

Growing up, i wanted to be an actor, not because i wanted to be famous, and live a glamarous life-style. but because it's what i wanted to do. But i was always told it was a bad idea, i'd end up waiting tables or something like that.

And, to be sure it have been hard. it would have been a different life but i'm sure i could have done it and done it well.

Don't get me wrong, i love my life, and there's very little in it i would change. And i'm not someone who has regrets or cries over spilled milk.

But in this case.....To be up there, to live for those two hours on stage every night.

It seems magical, and it's a magic i'll never know, and it would have been nice to get some encouragement.

There are days when i really fucking resent my parents....(well my Mom and step-dad technically)

Excuse me for fucking living!!!
Vent done

Boast achieved, i asked the red-haired girl to coffee yesterday...she asked for my Facebook info so i'm waiting to hear back from her on-line so we'll see.

I'm glad i took the shot, regardless of what happens it's important to always try stuff and see what happens.

good night and good luck

previous entry: I can be such a dork...and.....other more important stu

next entry: The red-haired girl...and what's really important

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Why did I always think that you were married? I don't know...

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