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Oh what Occurin??
by ~Kimi~

previous entry: Tomorrow

next entry: Faith



So today is now 2 days over due! and im still pretty grumpy!! lol. Feel like crap full of a cold, cough and sneezes. but hay ho, ill might go back to bed shortly!! seem to spend most of my time there lol!!


Have you ever...

Hit someone forcefully: yes but isnt that what little brothers are for?

Seen "Are you Afraid of the Dark": no?

Thrown anything at a moving car: No.

Been in a fist fight: not really no

Laughed so hard you cried: yes all the time!! worse with the horomones

Hit an animal in the road? Noo.


Who do you sit with at lunch: today i sat withDel and Matt

Do you think Justin Timberlake is hot or not: no

Who gave you a Valentine card this year: Del

Favorite shoes you own: my converse

What color would you dye your hair: pink

Who are you closest friends: LIndy and hayley

What is something you wish you could have that someone else has: a smaller waist

Favorite TV show: Super nanny

Make-up or none: None unless going out

Do you believe we landed on the moon: yup

What are you wearing now: my pjs

What song is stuck in your head: i will alway love you as phil is singing it on thetelly


How old are you mentally: 6

Describe yourself in 5 words: happy, smiley, childish, creative blonde

Do you dream at night: dont alway remember it

Do you remember your dreams: some times

Do you sleep with one pillow or two: Two

Do you like school: i did

Whats ur fave subject: drama

Do you have a best friend(s): Lindy

Do you have a religion: kinda

Does death scare you: nope

Do you watch tons of tv: yup, love being on leave

How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months: 3 or 4?

Do you read magazines: yup love them

Whats your fave band: foo fighters

Name 3 cds that youve bought in that last year: kings of leon. x2 and the darkness

Do you wear makeup regularly: No.

Are you a saver or a spender: Spender normaly

More Junk...

Which 3people do you trust and are open with the most: Lindy, Mum. Hayley

Can you live without the microwave: yup it broke before xmas

Which guy/girl do you wish to be with RIGHT now: Del

Would you rather eat sandwiches or pasta for the rest of your life: Sandwiches.

Football or rugby: neither

What do you think of guys with nail polish: if they are painting my nails great!

What's a happy memory of a time you've spent with the opposite sex: laughing

What's the nicest thing any one has ever told you: dont really get told alot. guess it was that id be a good mum

What's your favorite fast food restaurant: depends where we are

Favorite book: Torey Hayden

More Junk...

Did you read Fear Street books: nope

How about Sweet Valley High: 1

Babysitter's club: got the video

Goosebumps: yup.

Favorite show on nickelodeon (can be from the late 80's/early 90's when nick was good): rugrats

Do you like anyone: Of course.

If so, who: Del

What movie could you watch a million times and never get tired of: ten things i hate about you

What was the last song u heard: mountians by biffy clyro

Find anything good on sale lately: Yeah.

If you won the lottery, what would you do: buy things

Ever seen a Beatles film: yup

Happy with your life: yup

previous entry: Tomorrow

next entry: Faith

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I hope Star hurrys herself along for you.
There seems to be loads of colds going round atm. It's supposed to be summer, not cold season.

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