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Emotional Tautology
by Chapter Finished

previous entry: Frigga's Friday

next entry: Morning Thoughts (January 12th, 2009)

Prayer Request *update*


I just got a call from my parents.
My last remaining grandparent is in the hospital. She had a stroke.
I kinda figure that, if she hasn't by now, she isn't going to die...
But what the rumour mill has is that her left side is gone.
No word on speech or other language capabilities.
She'll not ever get to return to her apartment, that's pretty much a given.
I don't know what I want you to pray for. She's had a good life, her husband is gone, she's gotten to love and play with great-grandbabies. I guess, for the best recovery possible if she is to stay with us. She's a tough old bird, but the social aspect means so much to her.
*quirk* She uses Facebook more than I do. She was better on IMs than my mother.

Is it weird that my first thought was "You're a week late?" It was 2008 where all the trailblazers left...
Anyways, yes.

I'm very sick, again. Apparently, home means safe, and safe means I have time to be sick. *sigh* So I'm going to go lie down. Hopefully, I'd do lists tonight.

*All the news that is news as of midnight*

00:04] Donna: news is the stroke is irreverable
[00:04] Donna: the partial paraliseces may be permanent
[00:04] Donna: her left side is affected
[00:05] Donna: her eye face mouth arm and leg
[00:05] Sword-Dancing Kunoichi: *nod* Do they know if she can talk/understand yet? Is she awake?
[00:05] Donna: yes she even understands what is going on
[00:06] Donna: she talks like she is slurring her words as her tongue is affected as well

So what I was most worried about isn't. She can still communicate, and is still cognisant.
Grammy can get through anything as long as nobody's taking away her friends.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts/prayers. It means a lot to me, and my family.

previous entry: Frigga's Friday

next entry: Morning Thoughts (January 12th, 2009)

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*random noter (as if you couldnt tell)* will be praying for your family. I know it isnt easy

[Meghans Follie|0 likes] [|reply]

i will keep your grandmother in my thoughts *hugs*

[Lady VenomStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I'll keep her in my thoughts, and hope that the best possible outcome is what happens, whatever that may be.

[Man without fear|0 likes] [|reply]

I will keep her in my thoughts as well. If she's as tough as you say she is, I'm sure she'll get the best possible outcome!

[Poetic JusticeStar|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: Sorry I didn't answer your question about the credit score. I don't even know how to do that and I don't really consider it important for now. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I just don't see the point in finding out that information when I haven't even made any huge purchases. I have yet to buy a car and I've never taken out a loan for anything.

I do have a credit card which I've successfully kept up with for the past year since I got it. Unfortunately, I only have a $1,000 limit on it. I haven't missed a single payment. I never had any student loans, so that's not an issue. I have a savings account which I've been putting money into periodically, but less so recently because of inflation fears. Instead, I've made investments into silver coin.

On the Spanish question, I took Spanish in high school and I don't remember very much of it at all. And I refuse to learn Spanish now simply because I'm sick of hearing it wherever I go--i.e., illegal aliens who refuse to learn English. By learning Spanish, I feel that I would be contributing to the cultural genocide of my country. I don't have anything any Spanish per se, but I refuse to enable people who don't want to assimilate.

I'll probably end up writing about my woodworking stuff on this blog. I mainly use my LJ for daily blurbs and stuff like that. Sometimes I'll include daily devotionals, financial tips, and stuff like that on there. But LJ's format is such that it will always be a what's-going-on-with-me-today blog as opposed to Bloop where I tend to write really long entries. I didn't post my new year's resolutions on LJ precisely because the entry itself is too long for LJ. I hope that makes sense. And yes, I will add you as a friend on LJ.

[31Oct1517|0 likes] [|reply]

My cousin just passed away from a stroke, so I know what it's like to not know what's going on. The effects are never easy to predict. I'll keep her in prayer.

[31Oct1517|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Frigga's Friday

next entry: Morning Thoughts (January 12th, 2009)

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