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A day in the life that keeps going on...
by - Alisa

previous entry: for peter:

next entry: Commemoration of...

Baby party!


Our long talks
Yesterday was an interesting day. When I woke up I decided to rush to the shower because I was excited about this party Ashlee's older sister, Brittny invited us to that day. Peter had spent the night and I suggested to him that he should take a shower soon because of how many people are in my house. I was a little annoyed that he didn't take my advice, and at this point one thing just seemed to go wrong after another. Beth was going to a wedding and asked me a favor to help her pick out a dress so I told her we should start with my mom's closet. Chance was on my mom's bed playing games so Beth walked into the bathroom to change and I locked the main door. My mom then started flipping out & screaming because I locked her door. I found this ridiculous and walked away even more annoyed. I was now in a bad mood and spreading it onto everyone else in the house. After Peter finishes up his shower we take off for Port Orchard to pick up a few things. The ride up wasn't very beneficial, but after being around Peter and his mom my mood started to lift. I didn't talk much on the ride up but the ride back was what I really needed to start my day over. I had a heart to heart talk with Peter about what was bothering me. As we talked he kept giving me advice and told me to make a stand and be firm about it. It's worth a shot, maybe this change of perspective is what I need in my life right now. After talking my problems over with Peter I felt a lot better.
After this drive with Peter we arrive at home and all wait around getting ready to leave for the party. Krystle and I become impatient and propose the idea that Ricky, Krystle, Peter and I all leave in Peter's car early. Peter reminded me to take the Pioneer freeway, and as I'm directing him I tell him to take a wrong turn and Ricky directs us through all these back roads where they all looked the same.
When we finally arrive at Brittny's we get our drink on! Peter didn't drink very much because he was driving, but I did. When I got there I had never seen a party like this before! They had a trampoline set up that I'd never seen before, their deck was stained, & they had a pool set up, too. By the time we had gotten there, the sun was setting so we decided not to go swimming.
The hot tub wasn't in yet, it was their idea to have a party and get all these boys to work together in putting the hot tub in the desired spot. Not only were those things surprising, but there were so many babies running around. Brittny and Brandon have three little boys & some of their guests brought their kids, too. It was crazy with all of these kids running around while I was drinking, but I was so happy. I love children, especially these ones. As soon as all of the guests arrived and things calmed down a bit, we asked Brandon if we could pick up. We didn't bring anything to smoke out of so we asked to borrow his bong, which I like to call Yellow Submarine. It's a pretty nice sized bong which is clear through out the bong but has a cluster fuck of yellow spots along the bottom. Well, the female piece to Yellow Sub was broken!! (SHOCK!) And of course, with a bunch of drunk people handling it, it broke further. (Bummer) Peter felt really bad and tried to give Brandon some money for compensation, but Brandon wouldn't take it. Krystle found out that Brandon's reaction & advised Peter to put it in their 'Brittny&Brandon Fund' jar in which the point is to help fund their next party.
Well, that's pretty much how my day went. What a day!!

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previous entry: for peter:

next entry: Commemoration of...

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i am glad your day got better as it went on, it sounds as if the party was a blast!

[bratpunkyg02Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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