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Entre Nous
by zed's dead

previous entry: your heavy heart...

next entry: would you make everybody poor just so you could be rich

who am I to make a judgement...


Well. This past month has been a whirlwind, for sure.

I'm enjoying classes so far. They're all quite fascinating. Well, except for statistics. My professor is a moron and I hate going to his lectures. But, it's a necessary evil and I plan on being done with stats for a while after this. The rest of my classes are way interesting. Global Issues is my favorite class. I love the lectures and I even have a crush on a boy who sits next to me. Hah...

Ryan and I broke up. We're still fucking like rabbits, though, so I'm not really sure what's going on. Maybe this isn't the correct way to go about a breakup, but I plan on reaping the benefits for as long as possible. I don't think I'm emotionally able to have any sort of real relationship right now. And he's doing law school and he gets on my nerves constantly. It's bad. So now we can work on our friendship without having a messy whatever going on.... I hope.

I'm kind of confused as to why my school is such a bitch to me, though. I get pretty much straight A's and they still don't deem that enough for any sort of financial aid. I'm really not sure how I'm going to pay for the next two years. I'm so excited about my degree, yet they're making it so hard to obtain it. I hate that money is the factor that stands in my way of getting an education. I'm a smart kid... I don't get in trouble... that should be grounds for at least a little help. The bastards.

Watched part of the super bowl last night before I spent the rest of the game with my head in the toilet. Got way too drunk for my own good. I think it's just because I hadn't eaten anything of sustenance. Whatever the case was I couldn't keep anything down this morning and decided my first two classes were OK to miss. And then I found out I needed 2 letters of recommendation for my scholarship application (which was due today) and almost puked all over the girl I was talking to. I guess it's partly my fault for not being on top of my shit for scholarships, but I know they're not going to give me any money anyway. They only give it to people who are already getting money from somewhere else.

Agh... I'm just bitter cause my parents make too much money for the government to think they need any help in paying for 3 people's tuitions. Unfortunately that's not reality. Everyone needs all the help they can get when it comes to paying for college.

previous entry: your heavy heart...

next entry: would you make everybody poor just so you could be rich

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well i dont know if i can have FWB even after a break up -- sadly i do get jealous lol

[*~Amber~*|0 likes] [|reply]

Random comment... That's interesting about you and Ryan. Maybe you can reap the benefits with him AND flirt with the guy in your class without feeling guilty. Hey, you're single.

I'm a relationship nerd. I think that would drive me crazy. So it's good that you're more focused on scholarships, even if your school is being a dick about it. Good luck with everything!

[Lizzy.|0 likes] [|reply]

having some eye candy in class definitely a perk!

i hope things between you and ryan can get better? or at least develop into something you'd like? haha

it does seem that schools make recieving a scholarship challenging unless you have some really random ancestral background or your parents are living out of a box.

we should plant that tree that grows money. then horde it all for ourselves and those on a VIP list. *nods*

*love and stuff!!*

[Half way to Anywhere|0 likes] [|reply]

could you take the stats class pass/fail? then you wouldn't have to put forth any effort to pass!

you absolutely need a puppy in your life! they're hilarious and are ecstatic to simply be around you. its beautiful!

i think its rather soon for her to be engaged as well, but at least she told him nothing would happen before she's finished with med school. that helped to convince me she hadn't lost her mind.

i miss you, lady! hope all is well!

[Half way to Anywhere|0 likes] [|reply]

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