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FearfulInk's Diary
by FearfulInk

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Introduction of FearfulInk


Hello Readers,

My name is FearfulInk aka Matt. I am a 26 year old male that lives in Michigan. I go to Dorsey Business School, I am studying Administrative Office Specialist. I have the most handsome son anyone could have. I am single (8 Months). Things did not work out for me and the baby mama. That's a long story. I dont really kno how to say this but I am a computer guru lol. More less I can do anything with computers. I try to make my life fun and not have a dull moment. I used to have one of these before but I cant remember the information so I had to make a new one.

*Info to kno* I will not be saying anyone's names in respect to them but you will kno who I am talking about...

I look forward to hearing from everyone. I have a few posts to post today so Hope you all have a good read.Call of Duty Black Ops 2.. X-Box 360.. FearfulInk.. Hmu..

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Welcome to Bloop!

[ Avonlea@ITW|0 likes] [|reply]

welcome back to bloop! i'm envious of your skill with computers. i frequently get into arguments with mine, and i rarely win them.

[Half way to Anywhere|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome back!

[~Just the 2 of Us~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome back!

[Shadowscapes|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome back!

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Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

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