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The Destruction Of A Person Builds Character
by CtotheGeewood

previous entry: i want to start a band that plays one song and one son

next entry: i went over to vinnie's

edward cullen


got your attention

immmmmm half way through the book. read it to make meg happy. its WICKED LAME except that i like the fact that he can read minds.

only reason i keep reading it.

and r-patz is drop dead gorgeous so its easy to read along his parts cause i know exactly what he looks like. meh.

went to wal*mart today with vanessa. got the essentials for finals: energy drinks, candy, gum, cigarettes (for her).

ya know ya know.

i looked like a cafeine junkie... but im addicted to monster ALL OVER AGAIN! it took me 8 months to get over my addiction.

oh boy.

my sister, whos 23, didn't get her internship and is planning on moving out. that means i get a bigger room and a car BUT i dont even care anymore. i actually was looking forward to bonding with her this summer.


ohhh well.

i must go study for my experimental psych final! its on friday andddd i have straight 100's for all our projects and i got a 94 on my mid-term, but you knwo what? idc.

im gonna kick ass in all my psych courses, i have decided.

p.s. quaker, aka mr. caveman with dreds, shaved his head BALD last night! wish i was home to see that.... i asked him "your not going neo nazi on me are you?.." why else would he shave his head bald? thats not very HIPPIE of him to do... friggen hippie :]


previous entry: i want to start a band that plays one song and one son

next entry: i went over to vinnie's

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lol. good luck on the final

[CouldBeYou-Again|0 likes] [|reply]

lol about quaker.

i loved twilight. absolutely freaking adored it.

[jessn.|0 likes] [|reply]

i love twilight.

[lady burtStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Good luck!
Hope you did well today.
[If that was in fact today.]

[A.Classic.Disaster|0 likes] [|reply]

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