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Derelict Heart
by DerelictHeart

next entry: Theme of the Week

Hey there!





Hey. My name is Samantha Josephine, aka Derelict Heart, aka Sammy. I live in Canada and yes, it is very very cold, -6c today. I have a cute golden retriever Oliver, and a Russian blue George.




I'm not a fan of Tom Brady. I cannot wait for next week, bc of Superbowl. We are having a game day party, and we are going to see the Chiefs ram the Buccaneers into next year.

I love meeting new people so please feel free to add me or comment... I always comment back! :3


next entry: Theme of the Week

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[Greta GarbageStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Thank you Beth.

[DerelictHeart|0 likes] [|reply]

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