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DarkKitsune's Diary
by DarkKitsune

previous entry: Books, Books and More Books

next entry: It's Been A While---Now Time to Rant

Some People Don't Deserve Second Chances


I wonder if I'm the only one who feels this way? Most likely I'm pretty close because I just don't really seem to think like most people.

When my husband and I go to our favorite Chinese restaurant they usually have the TV on ESPN or a news channel. I am so very tired of seeing Michael Vick when it's on ESPN. In my opinion that jerk should still be in jail or if not that harsh then he should not have been allowed to play football again.

I'm not sure how many of the dogs he had got a second chance at life. I've been meaning to look that up but I haven't yet. I'm sure some people will say "Lighten up they were just dogs". And while I understand that dogs are not human children, they deserve better treatment than they often get. Dogs may not have the same emotions/feelings that we do but that doesn't make them toys for our amusement.

Blah....I want to write more but lately I just can't think when I write. I think the cold weather has frozen my brain.

previous entry: Books, Books and More Books

next entry: It's Been A While---Now Time to Rant

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