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-Neurotically Yours's Diary
by -Neurotically Yours

previous entry: For Those of You Who Speak Fire Emblem (plus more)

next entry: Ah Bloop

To bother or not to bother?


I'm considering deleting my bloop account. Simply put, I see very little reason to keep it going. Originally I made it to keep up with Kelly, who no longer really uses bloop. The few people I keep up with (xo heather, ijd, ice vampire, kayla, steve) I either see semi-regularly or keep up with on facebook. The question is whether I should delete this or leave it up for kicks...I probably won't use it erribly often. But would seem that the people I keep up with don't use it much either. D=

previous entry: For Those of You Who Speak Fire Emblem (plus more)

next entry: Ah Bloop

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dude... i feel special knowing that i know bloopers IRL. keep it biznatch! lol

[Ice VampireStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I don't update very often either. I wouldn't delete the diary though. Bloop is my "home away from home", I love it even if I only read and comment and rarely write my own entries LOL!

[xo heather|0 likes] [|reply]

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