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All you need is Love
by ✌-mel-☮

previous entry: bored

next entry: testing entry editor number two

testing entry editor


I might be coming back to this entry off an on to play around with things. Or just create a new entry.

<font size=1.75><br />
<font color=royalblue><b>Time:</b></font> 8:37am <br />
<font color=royalblue><b>State of Being:</b></font> awake, but tired. no caffeiene in the house so my brain only functions at a slow pace  <br />
<font color=royalblue><b>Song lyric in my head:</b></font> this is halloween<br/>
<font color=royalblue><b>current desire:</b></font> caffeeine<br />
<font color=royalblue><b>where am I?:</b></font> in the living room on the couch <br />
<font color=royalblue><b>what's that noise?:</b></font> there's some kind of music faintly outside. could be neighbors. could be the icecream truck. oh wait it's saturday morning. most likely neighbors<br /></font>
<div style="overflow: auto; width:850px; height:350px;">

so testing out HTML. I liked my little scroll box, but it doesn't show up as my template any more... only the words. I might just have to forego it, and do a regular entry with no special features. simplicity is fun too. lol. I didn't realize how much I relied on HTML. Back in my day, I used to be fluent. I loved making webpages. Now I just know my basics. It's easy to look up stuff. lol I would love to keep my scroll box for the entry, but I'm too lazy to put it in there every time. Perhaps... *cough to steve* ... adding this Word like jumbly stuff up there to the template? ... if possible. #firstworldproblems ... did I just hashtag in my diary? oh my. if not possible, not a big deal at all. I will still love Bloop and all its awesomeness.

I forgot the most important thing about today.... IT'S HALLOWEEN!!

okay. ending this entry. then playing around with testing number two. This is just to see if HTML still works.

So that didn't work. hrmmmm... onto the next entry. lol

previous entry: bored

next entry: testing entry editor number two

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