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Dahlia on Fire
by ♪spike.♫

previous entry: ! hopeful little kitty

next entry: ! SO EFFING PISSED (pics)

! excited over my new kitteh.



i called the couple off of craig'slist and they have agreed to meet me at my work to drop the kitteh off ... it's 8 wks ... and it's a boy. i know i said i wanted a girlie, but i couldn't resist, so i will be taking pics of him tomorrow to show u guys ... and my baby rat ...
i think i already have a name for the kitten lol

previous entry: ! hopeful little kitty

next entry: ! SO EFFING PISSED (pics)

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Aw!! Yay!! What name have you picked out?

[lady bri.|0 likes] [|reply]

new kittehs are the BEST!
what're you gonna name him?
I like boy kittehs better. They are less bitchy lol

[mixieStar|0 likes] [|reply]

that's awesome!

[burt|0 likes] [|reply]

lol. Aw, that's cute! :]
C'mon! You tell me that and just leave me hanging?! I've GOT to get that book! :]

[lady bri.|0 likes] [|reply]

yay!!! i'm looking forward to seeing pictures.

[Lady VenomStar|0 likes] [|reply]

yay pictures
what name?

[|0 likes] [|reply]

Congrats on the new addition to your family! I cannot wait to see the pics

[JuSt BrEaThE..oO|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: ! hopeful little kitty

next entry: ! SO EFFING PISSED (pics)

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