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previous entry: awesomely awesome indeed

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Leaflet from the BNP.


I got a leafletthrough my door from the "British National Party" (BNP) and it intrigued me. I've heard about this political party before but I never really paid any attention to them. They have some pretty appalling views towards immigration and "non-white" people. Fortunately I'm white

I looked up the beginnings of the BNP and I was really shocked.
This was taken from Wikipedia: "The current use of the name British National Party is its fourth appearance in British politics. The original BNP emerged during World War II when a handful of former members of the British Union of Fascists took on the name. This group would later become known as the English National Association"

So this political party originated from a fascist party during World War II. Just changed the name lol

"According to its constitution, the BNP is "committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration and to restoring, by legal changes, negotiation and consent the overwhelmingly white makeup of the British population that existed in Britain prior to 1948." The BNP also proposes "firm but voluntary incentives for immigrants and their descendants to return home.""

Let me get this right, when the BNP come to power theyre pretty much gonna kick every non-white or of coloured descent? Well thats clarified things for me. They have appalling views towards people who are different from them. Instead of saying bluntly that they hate coloured people and that theyre going to kick every coloured person out of the country they dressed it up by saying the term "immigrants and their descendants"

I think these people should review their values and political agenda. I'm not saying theyre racist but the sole purpose of their campaign is to purge britain of its ethnicity which in my opinion is just plain wrong. We all live in one world and since the rest of us have moved along with the times they should to.

Well with the election coming up I just had to find out more about this party. The leaflet made it seem apealing to vote for them with their "crackdown on crime" and the "battle against unemployment" but me being me had to go deeper into it and Im thankul I did because the leaflet only contains a small portion of their political policies and views. Most of their policies are better left unsaid. Now that I know better this leaflet's going straight in the bin. =)


PS I saw a disturbing paragraph from their website.

"FOREIGN AID - time to spend our money on our own people!

We reject the idea that Britain must forever be obliged to subsidise the incompetence and corruption of Third World states by supplying them with financial aid. We will link foreign aid with our voluntary resettlement policy, whereby those nations taking significant numbers of people back to their homelands will need cash to help absorb those returning. The billions of pounds saved every year by this policy will also be reallocated to vital services in Britain."

hah so theyre only going to give money and aid to the countries "absorbing those returning"? So in other words theyre only going to give aid to countries taking the people theyve kicked out. Thats very humanitarian of them lol

previous entry: awesomely awesome indeed

next entry: Bah. Women.

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They're all about sending people "back to where they came from." But oneday they will realise that the entire human race stems from Africa. And they will ship us all, and themselves, back there.
They have some very strange beliefs. A friend from my journalism class interviewed Nick Griffin, the head of the party, and commented that he was the most stupid man he'd ever met. Which doesn't suprise me!

[The RyanStar|0 likes] [|reply]


[ LADY PUCKStar|0 likes] [|reply]

There was a cartoon in a textbook I had for politics class once, and it was an American politician saying "we will remove immigrants and their descendants from the country" and a native American saying "Well, pack your bags!" to him - I know we're talking about the UK, but the message is still the same - because if you trace it back, like you said, we are all immigrants...
I don't believe in censorship - in order to have a truly free society, they need to be allowed to say what they think, no matter how terrible - I could never agree with them, though, and have very little patience with anyone who does.

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what? im voting bnp . . .
lol saw u commented on some rant of mine so i thought i would return the favor, and add u to faves of course. its very rare that anyone has an opinion on what i write
hope to hear from u laters

[~FuNk5till3!~|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc - Thanks for your comment. I can't let go of him, really - for some ridiculous reason, I care for him very much. Letting go of the agreement, maybe. I don't know. But thanks for your kindness.

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