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Inside mommys head!
by Mama2Bella

previous entry: in these hard times.

next entry: bella n my day

been a few days.


so ya its been a few days. oops. lol ill blame it on my mommy brain.
everythings ok with me lately. i guess. bellas amazing! getting smarter and cuter everday!
garys latest no no is coming home and going pretty much straight upstairs to play xbox til dinner & then bed. its annoying cuz he doesnt leave any time for family. hello? thats important! esspecially since bella is a daddys girl!
sunday i was suppose to go to breakfast with my mom n bella but when mom got to my apartment her car was not sounding ok. so she went back home. so later she returned with my sister. so we all went to lunch. and bellas so fantastic at restaurants. she talks n waves to everyone. its cute.

so im losing my friends. my friend kayla barely talks to me. her son is at a fisher price casting right now(hes almost 6 months) so she has a lot going on. my friend amanda just..has other friends that are more important. her daughter is 7weeks younger than bella n they have grown up as best friends but that all may change since her mother makes no effort to set up playdates. shes stuck in a terrible relationship with the baby daddy. like latest tantrum of him..he broke her 200$ cellphone. but i digress. and realise my relationship with gary is wayyy better than that. yes we yell at eachother n call eachother names but we dont break eachothers stuff. and when all is said and done, gary & i belong together. we were meant to be together, create bella, and have an amazing family. we are just going thru a hard time. all good relationships have them. and hopefully therapy on my end will help.
speakin of therapy, i will speak again with kathy friday. then on the 6th ill have a pysc eval. oh joy! will i get that awesome jacket? lol NO i wont! lol im not crazy. im a mom whos constantly home with barely any friends n barely any fun time. i want this stuff fixed. i wanna marry gary soon. we have been engaged for over a year. and after bella was born, problems arose.
ok so bellas watchin bubble guppies & getting into things shes not suppose to. ah yes. typical tuesday. but i love being a mommy. wouldnt want ANY other job! =)

stay sweet.

previous entry: in these hard times.

next entry: bella n my day

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