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Onwards and Upwards
by LittleMighty

previous entry: Mother of the Year

next entry: Exhausted by it

Jake's Bday approaches...


Jake will be one on the 5th. Man he has changed so much in just a year. We took him for his first haircut last week. It was so long and unruly I was afraid people were going to start thinking he was a girl. I could seriously put it in pig tails. Lol. Now he actually looks like a little boy!

I wanted to clean this week. But I'm sick. And I have no energy. I just don't feel like doing anything...guess I'll keep putting it off for now. We are having a small party on saturday for him, so I guess I'll just have to do a run through sat morning and get things in order. I'm not gonna stress out over it.

I picked up a ton of shifts for the next few weeks at work. I havn't even gotten to them yet and I'm exhausted just thinking about it. Arg. I can't wait til Hemen is done with school.

So, I guess that is the long and the short of it. Make it a great day!

previous entry: Mother of the Year

next entry: Exhausted by it

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yay for jake !!!
and yay for more work !!! have a good birthday part and smooth weekend !!!

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