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Just my life...
by Michele

previous entry: 008. He laid his motorcycle down and TOTALED it.

next entry: 010. I thought we were doing better...

009. WTF??? Insecure much???


He FOLLOWED me through the club!

Well. The other day I decided I wanted to have girls night out with some friends I hadnt seen in a while. Sean was working that night so I said what the hell. I called them up and only one could go so we decided to hit the club. We went in and were having fun. We were being approached by some losers, but we were okay. Suddenly I look over and SEAN is there. He said he was worried about us. WTF? We are grown women in a place with high security, and you got worried?? You took off work to come check on me becuase you were worried? I told him it was a girls night out. I had my tazer, and pepperspray and all that could stuff, but he still got worried?? I think he was worried I would be talking to another guy.... You see he and I have not been getting along, and the sex has sucked lately. We have been fighting, or not talking alot, and I think he was worried I would replace him... I was still wearing my wedding ring and all of that... so I dont see what the problem was. Anyways he told me he was gonna go, and walked away. Then a guy started talking to me and he stopped. My friend and I went to another area of the club, and I just happened to glance behind me and he is there. STALKING ME! WTF??? GO HOME ALREADY. I let him catch up and asked him what the hell was going on and he told me he was still worried. It didnt matter how much I told him not to worry he "wasnt sure". So he ended up staying until we left. Then we decided to go eat something and he followed us there. Then he followed me to drop my friend off. WTF!?!?!?! Insecure much???

! Sx3.Layouts

previous entry: 008. He laid his motorcycle down and TOTALED it.

next entry: 010. I thought we were doing better...

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I don't think it has to do with insecurity. If he says that he's worried about you then that's probably the reason why; don't take it too personally, lol.

[Lady Harley QuinnStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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