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What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
by Grandpas~Little~Bookworm

previous entry: When Will Things Get Better?

next entry: I Believe That There Are Angels Amoung Us!

Do You See What Happening?


I wrote this in grade nine, we were given a topic that we had to write about and mine was bullying. I have been bullied all my life, but never to the point of wanting to take my life or cut myelf. This is just a poem, I would never consider hurting myself. I got a very high grade for it, but I also did alot of research into the topic. Its a horrible thing, but for some they feel as if its the only way out. There are other means to deal, councling, talking with friends, help lines, writing, music and poetry. If your religious then talk to God, a pastor or pray, do not take the easy yet selfish way out, not only are you hurting yourself but the people who love and care for you. People and teens especally will try to tear you down everyday of your life, but like I have said what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, for get about them, they feel bad about them selves, so they bully others so they feel better about them selves. You will come out on top, do not stoop down to there level. You are an amazing person, your unique theres only one of you, God created you and you are perfect just the way you are. Love yourself, and know you are not alone!

Do you see whats happening?
When shes the laughing stock of the school?
All the fun little cracks about not being as cool.

She's special and nobody seems to care.
Or they just pretend that shes not there.
That hurt that the world can see
She trys to hide away, but its not so easy

When she shuts the door to her room
The smile she wears fades
And she gets out the blade
It wont be long until it will be all to much to take
The smile she forces herself to wear she wont be able to fake

When the day comes that she cries
Until her eyes run dry
That will be the day they will pay
For all the things they say.

What they don't know
Is that everytime they lied
She died a little more inside....

previous entry: When Will Things Get Better?

next entry: I Believe That There Are Angels Amoung Us!

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