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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573

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Sunday's survey while at work.


"You must do the thing you think you can not do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Do you really care about the environment?
Of course

Have you ever parked in a handicapped spot?
No but I've parked in those "Expectant Mom Only" spots.

Have you ever driven in a carpool lane while alone in your car?
No! BIG fines in Phoenix if you're busted for that.

Did you ever fake it in bed?

Do you believe you are better looking than all of your friends?

Have you ever exaggerated the number of women/men you slept with?
No, haven't needed to

Do you owe a friend money that you have no intention of paying back?
It's not that I don't have the intention. I just don't have the ability.

If you saw your friend’s spouse with another woman/man would you tell them?
No but I'd confront him/her.

Are you more comfortable around friends that are not as attractive as you?
Never thought about it.

Do you think you are smarter than your girlfriend/boyfriend?

Have you ever thought that your parents would be better off divorced?

Do you think that you are smarter than your parents?

Did you ever throw a party at your parents’ house without their knowledge?
Of course.

Do you think your parents did a good job raising you?
Yes, I do.

Do you like your mother more than your father?
I don't know that it's a matter of liking one more than the other but I do get along better with my dad.

Do you believe your parents are proud of you?
I sure hope so.

Have you ever wished you were born into a different family?

Do you believe your parents favor your sibling more than you?
I'm an only child

Do you respect your father?
Very much

Have you ever stolen from your parents?
Once, lunch money

Do you think you are better looking than your sibling(s)?
Definitely, considering I'm an only child

Would you report a family member to the cops if they had committed a crime?
Depends on the crime.

Do you think you are a good role model for your children?
I don't know...

Do you think you have what it takes to be a good mother/father?
I try to be but I know I slip up.

Okay - I'm going to have to stop for now. My computer has these rolling lines on it and, in combination with the pain meds, it's making me sick to my stomach. I'll finish this tomorrow at work.

I have a few minutes at work so I thought I'd finish this up real quick, if I can.

Would you be happy with yourself if you turned out like your mother/father?
Yes, I think so.

Would you say your mother is a great cook?
Definitely. And I didn't learn a damn thing. LOL!

Would you be happy to marry a man/woman who is just like your mom/dad?
Not JUST like but pretty similar to my dad.

Do you dislike small children?

Do you secretly think babies are ugly?
Some can be! LOL! Sorry but it's true.

Have you ever thought your spouse was boring?
He's had his moments on a soapbox but he's not boring overall.

Have you lied on your resume?

Do you really believe you’re going to have a successful career?
Successful as in not getting myself fired? I hope so.

Have you taken credit for someone else’s work?
I don't think so.

Have you ever spied on your co-workers in the bathroom?

Have you ever called in sick to work when you really weren’t?
Yeah but it's been years.

Do you love your job more than sex?

Have you ever disliked someone for being more successful than you?
I've been jealous of them for it

Do you think you drive a more expensive car than you can truly afford?

Are you jealous of people with more money than you?

Do you believe wives must serve their husbands?

Have you ever snooped through your girlfriends/boyfriends things?
Not really

Do you always wash your hands after using the restroom?

Is there a body part on your spouse that you dislike?
Lol! No

Do you wish you were still single?
Not really. I miss the excitement of a new relationship. That realization that he really likes you too. On the other hand, I love the comfort & security that I have with my husband.

Yay! I finished! Now I have to finish up the work I have left so I can get out of here sometime in the next 45 minutes.

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Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!

[MR PUCKStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Clicked, mine too? =D

Click it. =)
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[serendipity.|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc; yeah medications will def. alter your sleep patterns. thanks for clicking

Click my eggs & pets to make them hatch & grow!
Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!Adopt one today!

[Wreck of the Day|0 likes] [|reply]

Wow I've never seen an "Expectant Moms Only" parking spot.

LOL Yes I bet you're much better-looking than your non-existent siblings.

[Moonlight Sonata|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: I still have the outline of that bruise. Evil little vampire child I have for a nephew!

Joaq is just odd. Sometimes he gets really shy, but he was just screwing with Letterman. I've read other interviews he's done lately and he was talking up a storm.

I know, I'm so happy for Jay! He deserves this so much. He damn near killed himself on the heroin, but he got clean in April 2003 and he's never looked back. Kevin wrote out the whole story a couple years back, it was so so painful to read the details of what Jay went through. He's a really nice man, it's great he can finally be himself.

[Moonlight Sonata|0 likes] [|reply]

ryn: its ok, I am 36 already.. and if I'm honest, its been creeping slowly longer for about 6 years... so if it was happening to you I think you might know by now

[bloodstainedknickers|0 likes] [|reply]

just stopped by to click the eggs

[Comment Whore™Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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