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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573

previous entry: 90 Q's backwards

next entry: 10 people that I wouldn't kick out of my bed

Morning, Noon & Night


"You must do the thing you think you can not do." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Vicodin+slow morning at work+bad night's sleep=Dozing @ work. Must. Stay. Busy.

- Morning -
01. Are you an 'early bird'? No, I'd much rather sleep.

02. Or do you always have trouble getting up in the morning? I don't have trouble getting up but I'd much rather roll over & go back to sleep.

03. Do you ever have to force yourself out of bed? Almost always

04. Have you ever overslept? More than a few times.

05. Do you wake up to an alarm clock or just naturally? An alarm clock in the mornings. Naturally, if I'm napping in the afternoon.

06. Does your family wake you up? Usually because I'm a light sleeper. Ear plugs are a wonderful thing.

07. On weekends, do you sleep in late (how late?) I can't sleep in on the weekends because I have to be at work @ 7 a.m. If I didn't work, I still wouldn't be able to sleep in. Chris would end up waking me up around 8-ish and I'd need to get him fed & medicated before I could go back to sleep.

08. What is the first thing you do when you get up? Other than pee? Get Chris in the bathroom & then take the dog out.

09. Do you eat breakfast? Always

010. What are your favourite cereals? Count Chocula, Cookie Crisp, Life, Wheat Chex, Honey Bunches of O's.

011. Do you eat breakfast before or after you get dressed? After

012. Do you lay out your clothes the night before? No

013. Are you always tired in the morning? Usually

- Afternoon -
01. Do you ever take afternoon naps? If I get the chance, heck yeah!

02. When do you usually eat lunch? Whenever I get hungry

03. What is your favourite lunch? Grilled cheese sandwich & a Coke or a glass of milk.

04. Who do you eat with? Depends on who's home.

05. Are you at school or at work in the afternoon? I'm at home, 6 days out of 7.

06. Are you more likely to get bored in the afternoon? Yeah

07. Do you hate this time of day? No, I hate mornings.

- Evening -
01. Do you enjoy dark nights? No, I like the bright moonlight.

02. Or do you prefer summer nights when its light outside? Let's Chris wear himself out that much more so he'll sleep later (I will too) the next morning.

03. Are you a night owl? I am, I am.

04. Do you stay up late every night? Pretty much. Not a very smart thing to do though since I have to be up at 5:15 to get Chris off to school. After he's off, though, I can go back to sleep for 3 - 4 hours, sometimes 5.

05. Do you have to go to bed at a specific time on weeknights? I don't have to but I should.

06. What is the latest you have ever stayed out? All weekend

07. Where do you like to go in the evening? Nowhere, really, but I like getting out to the grocery store by myself, if I can. If Chris is with me, a grocery store trip is more like a snatch-and-grab, hoping I got the best deal. When I'm by myself, I can take my MP3 player and take my time while shopping.

08. Do you like the stars? Of coursel

09. What time do you eat dinner? Depends. Usually around 7 - 8 p.m.

010. What is your favourite dinner? Shredded pot roast w/gravy, mashed potatoes & corn. With a glass of milk.

previous entry: 90 Q's backwards

next entry: 10 people that I wouldn't kick out of my bed

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Aww, gee, what happened? It seems the big bad Steelers crushed your little birdies!!

Normally I'm not that kind of person, but I couldn't resist. Payback is a bitch both for you and your birds! LoL I'm just messing with ya, I was rooting for the Cardinals. Sucks the Steelers won for a 6th time.

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