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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573

previous entry: [11] 100 Questions

next entry: [14] Very long Have You Ever?

[12] A little about me survey


The gloriousness that is... ME!

Name: Cheryl Lynn ********
Nickname: Cher, Cherbear, Doodle
Location: Northwest Arkansas
Gender: I am Woman! Hear me roar!!
Birthplace: Phoenix Arizona
Birthstone: Emerald
Birthday: May 31st, just like it says.
Sign: Gemini
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Height: 5' 7"ish
Shoe size: 9
Hair Color: Naturally, darkish blonde; Currently, medium auburn
Hair Length: An inch short of my shoulders
Eye Color: Hazel green
Piercings: None anymore
Tattoos: None yet
Siblings: None
Pets: A dog and 4 cats
Favorite kind of music: Whatever I can sing to
Last CD you bought: Taylor Swift, I think
Whats in your CD player right now: I don't know...

** Favorites **
Color: Pink, red or blue
Number: 7
Season: Spring
Ice cream: Chocolate.
Quote: "You must do the thing you think you cannot do" - Eleanor Roosevelt
Band: Bon Jovi
Singer: Hoss
Song: Currently, the latest Nickelback.
Movie: Rebecca w/Joan Fontaine & Sir Laurence Olivier
Actor: dunno
Actress: Nicole Kidman or Michelle Pfeiffer
Kind of movies: Dramas, Romantic Comedies, some horror & sci fi
Time of day: Me time
Animal: Umm...
Food: There is Italian in me somewhere, no matter what my family tree says.
Holiday: Halloween
Shape: Never thought it
Fast food place: Taco Bueno
Boy's name: Nicholas
Girl's name: Emma, Rebeccah
Word: Who has a favorite word?
Month: May
Candy: Anything chocolate.
Sexual orientation: Straight but not narrow
Boyfriend or Girlfriend: Husband

previous entry: [11] 100 Questions

next entry: [14] Very long Have You Ever?

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