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Just a Dreamer.
by screambrandi2012

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Now Independent(Short Story)


That’s it. It’s over. No more. She’s done looking, and she’s done trying. She’s learning to live life for herself and be independent. If a guy comes along and catches her eye then that happens, but she isn’t going to be looking for anyone. She has learned that everything happens for a reason and God has a plan for everything. She doesn’t need a guy in her life to make her happy. She wants to be able to hold her head up on her own. She knows that she isn’t perfect and that she can’t always keep herself from breaking down and she will always need a hand to help pick her up, but that is what friends are for. She is tired of being hurt by guys and she is tired of having her life revolve around a guy. She wants to bring her school grades up. She wants to work on pursuing her dreams. She wants to keep her options open. She will flirt around but nothing serious. If she happens to find an amazing guy that completely understands her and makes her smile then that’s great, but she isn’t going to go out and look for that guy. She wants that guy to find her. She is going to just worry about the important things in life. Family, friends, and school. She has jobs around the house she has to do on a daily basis, she has to help take care of family. For a fifteen year old girl, she is now very determined to do her very best at everything she does. So for the people taking time to read this remember, she is now her own person, never again will she allow a guy to control her life.

Butterfly Layouts

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