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by lady bri.

previous entry: ideas. [doggie b-day]

next entry: I need a drink..

He tried to bite my thumb off..


So..The day before yesterday, Me and my mom and Melissa were looking at videos of cockatiels on YouTube. My mom decided to look those up because my aunt's cockatiel had been talking and going on all day long. After watching those videos melissa said that she wanted a cockatiel. Of course, we already have 3 dogs and a fish.... we had 2 hampsters that just recently passed away. [rip lilo and stitch..] Anyways- So I thought she was joking.. apparently that was a mistake.

Yesterday, me, Melissa and Candace went to Madisonville so I could fill out an application at the hospital. Melissa said she just wanted to stop by the pet store to price the birds...

We came out of that store with over $100 less money than we had when we went in. lol She got a cockatiel..a Everything we needed for a happy freakin bird. :]

We got home and got the cage put together..and got him in the cage. That was easy..we set the box he came in up to the cage door and he walked in. Then Melissa had the bright idea that she wanted to take the top of the cage off to put his toys in. Well DUH..when she took the top off...he came out. We had to lock the dogs up cuz they went wild. We chased that bird around the house for an hour.

Finally Candace and I cornered him. I gently went to pick him up around his wings. I got my hand on him, he got scared, turned his head all the way around and clamped onto my thumb. I panicked. I went running and screaming across the living room with a freaking bird hanging from my thumb. I was shaking my hand and he was flapping his wings. I know it had to have been hilarious to see. I can laugh now, but at the hurt like hell.
He finally let go. But by that time I was bleeding..

And with that I must ask.... Is there any chance I could get Bird Flu from that bite? LOL

No, but seriously. I'm not sure how to get Dobbee [the cockatiel] used to us. With my aunt's bird [prettyboy] it just kinda...happened. I didn't really care too much about him, didn't pay him any mind and then one day he was screaming my name across the house and wanting me to take care of him.

I'm not sure that would work with Dobbee. Especially since he's gotten the taste of my blood in his mouth. lol
Oh well....maybe I'll figure it out. I've been researching it online. But if you have any tips...they would be greatly appreciated. [As long as they don't make him attack me again.] lol.

previous entry: ideas. [doggie b-day]

next entry: I need a drink..

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i know it must have really sucked but it sounds hilarious, i'm sorry. :-X

i dont know anything about birds but i'm sure after a few weeks he'll get used to his surrounds and everyone around him

[christianna♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Bird bites are worse than cat bites. Which is weird.

[Lizzy.|0 likes] [|reply]

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