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Fritos and Bean Dip
by Lady Cherbear573

previous entry: Ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall...

next entry: Swiped from Chaz

Waiting for Rachel to come relieve me


1) How do you like your grilled cheese? White bread, 2 slices of American cheese

2) Where did you go on your last vacation? What is this word, "vacation"?

3) Who are your godparents? Don't have any

4) Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Hopefully in our own house with Chris' lawsuit FINALLY settled.

5) Where are you at noon everyday? Either at home or at work

6) How many speeding tickets have you gotten? At least one

7) What is your favorite movie? Oh, I don't know. I can't pick just ONE.

8) What is the last thing you said out loud? "Oh come on!!"

9) What do you think of the IPHONE? *shrug*

10) What do you think of winter? I'm glad it's over.

11) What do you do for relaxation? LIsten to music, watch TV, read, etc

12) Where did you get your couch from? The apartment manager said we could have it. I worked at the apartment's office. The couch was left behind. It was in excellent shape.

13) Do you use a plan book? No

14) At what age do you plan on having kids? Any day now would be nice.

15) When was the last time you swam? August?

16) What do you order at Subway? I answered this one already on the last survey.

17) Do you keep your closets organized? no

18) How do you make headaches go away? Excedrin - the headache medicine

19) have you owned a beta before? if you so whats his name. - I had two Betas. Their names were VHS & DVD. Bonus points if you get the joke.

20.) If you moved out of state where would you go? Back to Arizona

21) How old is your best friend? Shawn's 39, Jen's 36, Keith's 34

22) Did you attend pre school? Yep

23) What do your shower curtains look like? Flowers & vines in neutral colors w/a cream colored background. It's awfully..... neutral colored. Not my choice.

24) Did you have an imaginary friend as a child? Nope

25) How do you make eggs? I don't unless I'm baking.

26) Where do you wash your clothes? In the laundry room.

27) Which parent do you look most like? I don't know. I catch glimpses of both.

28) Who are the neighbors who live to the right of you? I don't know they're names but I know she is/was going to school to be an optometrist & he donated $10 when I did my March of Dimes fund raiser thing.

29) What are your thoughts on Tom Cruise? Just another of the more strange ones in Hollyweird.

30) What is the next vehicle you wish to buy? I don't know. Something with great gas mileage.

31) Do you pay bills online or by mail? In person

32) What would be the best gift someone could get you right now? A round trip plane ticket home

33) What is something stressful you will deal with next week? My mother-in-law?

34) What is something in your home that you collect? Antique metal make up compacts

35) What did you do last night? Made up my 1st scrapbook page ever. Not too keen on it. Made dinner, put Chris to bed & sent Shawn to work. Finished reading H. P. & the Prisoner of Azkaban, again.

36) Who did you last see? Some random guest checking into the hotel.

37) How do you take your coffee? I don't

38) What is the oldest thing in your fridge? I'm afraid to find out!

39) On your keyboard what key is wearing out from pressing it so much? The Enter key, I guess.

40) Where do you put your keys when you come home? My purse

41) Where do you go for Thanksgiving? The in-law's

42) How old will u you be in 2010? 34, again.

43) What actor/actress would play you in a movie? Beats me

44) How much cash is in your wallet? $22

45) Would you have a one night stand with your favorite movie star? In an ideal world with no consequences, damn straight!

46) What color is your house? Red brick

47) If you were starving to death would you eat a pet? ....maybe?

48) Ever been to Alabama? No

49) What kind of accent do you have? I had a guest from New York tell me that I really didn't have one. Kind of like a newscaster, he said.

50) What kind of alcoholic drinks are in your fridge right now? Wine.

previous entry: Ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall...

next entry: Swiped from Chaz

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