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Tell a stranger that they're beautiful.
by Brittney™

previous entry: as the silence drones on, my thoughts become louder and louder.

next entry: gone like a freight-train, gone like yesterday, (:

i am in misery, there ain't nobody that can comfort me.


Ohhh man.

Well, I had my consultation for my wisdom teeth on Monday. Then I got them out Tuesday morning at 11. Yeah, I had no time to mentally prepare for that whatsoever. Alyssa took me there in the morning, and then I went in, they hooked me up to a machine, then gave me laughing gas for 20 minutes. I've never had it before, and I now know why they call it laughing gas. Every time I moved, lifted my arm or my head, I giggled because it felt like I was floating and I had that tickling tingling feeling all over. Then the doctor/surgeon came in and gave me an IV that put me to sleep. I've never had anesthesia before and it was the weirdest feeling ever. I remember talking to him for a few minutes and then all of a sudden, I was waking up and my mouth was full of blood and gauze. I was SO high. Everything was funny, but I was in immense pain. It was just... interesting to say the least.

So, these past few days have literally been hell. I felt great on Tuesday, until I puked in my dining room with no pre-nausea warning signs. It just happened. My parents weren't happy. I think it was a combination of the anesthesia and the Vicodin that made me sick, because ever since I've taken the Vicodin, it's made me nauseated. I'm not happy about it, considering that's what has been making the pain tolerable. I've decided to stop taking it and just rely on motrin for now. It's not as painful now, more so just sore. So, we'll see.

I've been literally sleeping my life away thanks to these blasted teeth. Okay, here's how much I've slept in the past few days: Tuesday night I came home from Baron's at 3 AM, I slept from 3 AM - 3 PM (12 hours), then I woke up, and went back to bed from 4:30 PM - 8:30 PM (4 hours), then I slept from 10:45 PM - 1:15 AM (2 1/2 hours), 1:30 AM - 5:00 AM (3 1/2 hours), 5:30 AM - 10:30 AM (5 hours), 12 PM-3PM (3 hours). Yeah, I've slept for 30 hours in the past 2 days. Holy shit. I mean, I don't feel pain while I sleep, so I might as well, right?

Well, I'm going to try and muscle down some food, I'm starving. Until next time, bloop!

- Brittney

previous entry: as the silence drones on, my thoughts become louder and louder.

next entry: gone like a freight-train, gone like yesterday, (:

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