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Just a Dreamer.
by screambrandi2012

previous entry: Spinning around, i fell down.

next entry: Airplanes in the night sky like shooting stars.

My world is spinning around.


Can yuu believe this?
I apologize deeply for not writing hardly at all this week. I have not had any time to myself really. This week has been really hectic. Mom had to be rushed to St.Thomas hospital by ambulance on Wednesday. My brother had dropped me off at Autumn's house while they were at the hospital so I wouldn't have to stay there. I had a lot of fun at Autumn's though. I hadn't seen her since I'd been home schooled, so I was happy about that. Then I guess around 8 my brother came and got me and we went to get something to eat at Wendy's and then we went home. Mom stayed at the hospital all night. My brother's friends came over the house and we watched Legion and Big Fan. They left around one in the morning I guess. I had fallen asleep by the time that they had left. Mom got to come home in the afternoon on Thursday. They put her on new medicine that has her all messed up and it's kind of scary. She like has a constant migraine now and she's saying stuff just like off the top of her head. I finished Dead and Gone, and I started reading Rumors. I just finished that one a few minutes ago. I haven't had that much time to read, but I think I read over a hundred pages since I have woke up. My daddy just left for work. When he was home we changed the spark plugs in my car, changed the oil, and my headlights. I love my car. Lol. Church was alright. We had a guest speaker for the children's home thing. Saturday we watched My Sister's Keeper. Well, me and my daddy were the only two to finish the whole movie. But I've already watched the movie. I watched it in theatres. I read the book also. I liked the book better. I dont know what book I'm going to read now, I have so many lined up to read. Lol. Yesterday, I got told that Braxton was cheating on me. He isn't, by the way. But it just made me so mad. I wish people would just stay out of my relationship. It's no one's business. We talked about it though, and I trust him with everything. I hate the long distance thing though. Ughh. I have been trying to write more the past few days. I have slacked on my writing, and I don't like it. So I'm trying to work on that. But I'm going to go take my shower.

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previous entry: Spinning around, i fell down.

next entry: Airplanes in the night sky like shooting stars.

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