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Beyond Belief
by A RedSox Fan

previous entry: Use your illusion to get the girl *poem

next entry: 623 hockey game Texas Atlanta and reconnecting with an old friend

work, girls, baseball and my birthday


This is wicked long. you may want to get a cup of coffee first

622 work, girls baseball and my birthday.

I am starting to not enjoy work. I feel sad saying that as for 10 years, I have enjoyed it and even worked forward to my working days as it makes me feel needed, appreciated and productive.

However, my new supervisor pisses me off. He has no clue …in my mind, about working with people who have severe mental illnesses. He giving them too much credit, too much liberty. He doesn’t understand they need structure and guidance. They may not…they probably don’t understand what they need. My supervisor thinks the clients will just ask us if they need something. He says we shouldn’t treat them like babies. They are grown adults. Yes, they are grown adults who still leave the kitchen when cooking because they want to smoke. They are grown adults who need reminders to take their meds and some of them need to be observed while taking them. They are grown adults who knock on other’s bedroom doors at 5AM because they want a cigarette. These are grown adults who don’t know how to manage their own money, don’t know how to budget. They know how to take other’s milks without asking, taking other’s cigarettes because they are too lazy to go to the store to buy their own and I could go on and on.

Two Thursday’s ago, my longest running coworker, 3.5 years, pulled me aside and told me that she wanted me to be the first to know, she was putting in her two weeks. She said that it was nothing I did. She said that I have been a bigger help to her than I’ll ever know. On Wednesday I asked her if she told the residents yet. She said, no, she wanted me to do it. I smiled and said of course I will.

Thursday comes and I check in with my supervisor. He tells me that there are some new house rules he wants me to go over with the residents. I say no problem. I ask him if he can email them to me. He said they were originally in email form so he could.
He sent them to me. I read them over. I think they are the same ones but we have to review them with the residents annually anyways. So we call the meeting. The supervisor is there too. He usually isn’t but wanted to be. He says I have the floor. I ask him to pass out the rules. He does. I ask them to skip down to below #18 (the last one) at the end it states that the house rules must be reviewed and signed annually . I explained, that it’s not just us saying it, it’s coming from higher up and here’s the proof.
Then I asked them if they know where the common area is, because that’s mentioned a few times and wanted them to understand when it came up. We went over what is meant by common area.
I asked who wanted to read the first one. Supervisor spoke up and said that he thinks they can read it on their own and if they have any questions, they can ask. A client agreed with that. I couldn’t say no. So I just said ok, but then said I would like to go over a few when you are done. Supervisor asked me which ones? I told him #12. He read it and said, he thinks they know that one. There is no point to keep hammering them with it, is there? …ummmm I guess not? Supervisor then asks me what other one? I told him #8. He read it and told me no. He asked what the last one is, I just told him I guess it doesn’t matter. I wanted to bring up one on steeling because they steel each other’s milk, snacks and cigarettes.
And of the 5 clients who were there, one cannot read well, one can’t read without his reading glasses and one other could care less and of course I couldn’t say anything. He asked if there was any questions. They said no, of course there are no questions, they didn’t read it.
*One of the rules was about no smoking in the house. No candles or things with flames…

Fast forward to the end of the meeting… Everyone starts singing happy birthday to me. I was smiling…Then supervisor said “blow out the candles” (WTF?! DID YOU NOT JUST READ OR UNDERSTAND THE RUELS? OR ARE YOU ABOVE THE RULES?!?!) I said are you kidding me? He said no, there are 4 of them… I blew out the candles and had some cake.

I asked my coworker if she wanted me to talk about “IT” (her leaving) now. She said I could and my supervisor, picking up my topic somehow, said that he wanted to discuss it. I said ok.

Supervisor: I know it’s never easy to make changes. Unfortunately, AA will be changing her schedule. She will be working on the weekends as of March 8th. She will be working part time for another company. Just like TO. Right?
TO: that’s right. I work full time at another company and work here part time with you guys.
(I was suspicious of this, as AA told me last week that she was leaving. Maybe I misunderstood as I only work on Tuesdays and Thursdays…)
The Clients had some questions, he answered them.
Once the meeting was over and the clients went back to their rooms and the supervisor went home and the part timer was in the office, AA came over to me.
AA: Jonathan, next Thursday, you have to tell the clients the truth.
JA: huh?
AA: I’m not coming back. Why did he say that?
JA: I don’t know. I wasn’t sure if I misunderstood you last week.
AA: no, I can’t believe he said that. What are we going to do?
JA: I’ll figure it out but he put me in a very difficult position.
AA: Why would he tell them I was switching shifts?
JA: I don’t know.
AA: why did he make up that entire story?
JA: I don’t know why he would lie but he lied.

(It’s going to make one of us look bad and unfortunately, I get the key and it sure won’t be me who’s looking bad after this)

I was chatting with two different women from… as soon as I mentioned I was blind… they stopped chatting. SO FRUSTRATING!

My twin’s birthday was Friday. He’s 36 years old.

I went out with my mom to Royal Garden, my favorite restaurant PERIOD. My Nephew slept over the night before so I got a lot of play time with him. Anywho, we got to the restaurant and as we walked in, I hear my friend Zach, the kid who I went to the playoff games with last year, I said hey, I know that voice. It was him and his grandparents. His grandmother is good friends with my mom. Sadly, his grandfather has altimers pretty bad. It was nice. Everyone was captivated by Devin. He was shy at first but once my mom give him her Iphone…. He was all showing off after that.
I got my dumplings and scallion pancakes. Zach and my mom got soups with their lunches but didn’t want it so I said I would have them. They came out with this huge bowl of soup and put it in front of me. Mm mm good.

My mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I told her that Texas Ranger’s tickets go on sale tomorrow? She said ok

I went out with my best friend John and two of his friends, both name David. Dave 1 I know pretty well. Dave 2 I only met twice before. Dave 1 is married, loves sports and is extremely sarcastic. Dave 2, I found out on this night knows NOTHING about sports. He lives with his brother.

We went to this restaurant called Tavern in the square, in Salem. They have amazing teriyaki steak tips. I got fries and onion rings too.

When the waitress came over she asked if she could take our drink order. I said I wanted a sprite. John goes “No, it’s his birthday. He needs some booze in there. get him a vodka and sprite.” We were at the restaurant for about 2.5 hours. I ended up having 3 vodka and Sprites.

Most of the time, John and Dave 2 were talking about the different girls they were screwing round with. Dave 2 also told us his latest issue with his brother-brother’s gf. At one point, John said to me “If you don’t hear any of us talking, we’re not being rude. We’re just checking out the waitresses’ assets” Dave 2 tried to bring up sports twice but John changed the topic pretty quickly because he didn’t care about sports.
They were talking about sexual positions? Dave 1 goes “hey Jonathan, have you ever heard of a jelly donut? “ me umm no? him “it’s the same as a strawberry cupcake” …”It’s when you are fucking the girl and punch her in the nose” they were all laughing. John goes “what about the screaming eagle?” me: ummm you know I don’t know that shit.” Dave 1: it’s when you are fucking a girl at the beach and you pull your dick out and put it in the sand and then fuck the girl” me: wholly shit that would fucking hurt. (they were laughing) Dave 1: that’s why it’s called a screaming eagle.

John was showing half-naked pics of some of the girls he was screwing.
He told stories about all of them. I heard all the stories already.

Anyways, Dave 1 found out his cousin was working that night at Salem Beerworks, which is down the street. So we went there after.

John paid for my dinner and a drink. Dave 1 Paid for two of my drinks and when we went to beerworks, John asked if they had hard liquor but they only have beer-wine. John said “get him your fruitiest wine you got” I don’t know, except for Kosher wine, all other types of wine tastes very similar to me. He said it was a blue-raz-black berry wine but the wine taste over powered the sweetness-flavor. Dave 2 paid for that drink for me. We stayed for about a half hour. They dropped me off at midnight.
John was going to drop Dave 1 off, dave 2 drove himself, then John was going to go visit one of the girls. Two women wanted him to come over, he literally flipped a coin to decide which girl he was going to fuck around with that night.

I woke up, as soon as I opened my bedroom door, I didn’t even walk out of my room yet, I hear “UNCLE JONATHAN!” what a nice way to start a day  I played with hima bit and had breakfast with him. My mom was on line trying to get me tickets for the Red Sox –Ranger’s game in Texas. She got through and then when it was time to put her password in, it didn’t work so she had the site send her a password, that didn’t work. I told my mom, use my account. She goes, you have a Ranger’s account? I said yup. She signed on as me, my credit card info was already there so I ended up buying my own birthday gift. Lol.
From there, I went down stairs to my room, got a flight to Texas then posted my b day thank you FB status.

My twin and his wife cam in the house. My brother came down and told me he had some music he wanted to put into my computer. I gave him my computer and he was telling me about Ataris, this emo punk group. We had seen them in concert a few times but he was giving them to me because he said that it helped him get through the women’s blues over the years and even today when he gets frustrated at his wife, sometimes he’ll hold it in till he’s alone and gets to listen to this group.

We then went out for our birthday lunch with the family. It was my parents, my older brother, my twin brother and his wife and baby, my sister and her wife then my younger cousin Jalen. My aunt and cousin were suppose to come but Aunty Sarah had to work and my cousin Heidi was sick.

We went to Fire and ice. I have mentioned this restaurant a few times over the years. It’s a family favorite. It’s like a buffet. They have stations set of various raw foods. Chicken, steaks, fish, burgers, etc, vegetables and different types of pastas and rice and so much more. Then they have a station of sauces. They have over 30 different sauces from teriyaki and tai peanut sauce, to marinara, pesto and cheese sauce … so you take your food and your causes, bring them up to this huge grill. Picture a square bar. But where the bar top is, is a grill around the entire bar. The chefs are on the inside while you are on the outside and they cook it right in front of you. it’s so good and you can go up as much as you want. I got this huge salad, which when I was ¾ done with it, my mom told me not to fill up on salad. There is a lot more food to come…I finished the salad then went up for noodles and vegetables. I mixed a teriyaki sauces and a ginger sauce and then added extra fresh ginger. That was so good… I then had a burger which was a bit greecy but still good. I went up for one more big helping of noodles and vegetables. I didn’t think I would finish it all but I did and I was FULL.

My sister gave me a card at the restaurant. My parents, Lindsay and Devin and Justin (twin) Justin was being funny. Instead of giving me a general card, he gave me two 18 year old cards. Sometimes he can have a sense of humor. Hmm I don’t remember my older brother giving me a card.

Monday…I got tickets to see the SF Giants play…in Atlanta! HELLO STADIUM #21!
A former blooper name Tristan lives about 5 mins away from the baseball stadium and an on line blind friend who is from NC wanted to see a baseball game. She never has and is a huge braves fan. So the NC lady with her husband, her cousin and a few others are going to drive down to Atlanta and meet up with me and my other friend in Atlanta. We’re going to a game and we’ll see what else we can do there… any ideas?

Tuesday I went out with my mom. We went to a few stress. My right hearing aid broke late Wednesday, the 26th, and my mom called Thursday morning and the earliest I could get in was Tuesday, so I went 5 days with only one ear. I got a new audiologist as my old one retired and moved to FL. Unfortunately, he took everything with him or sold everything off or something because he had one of my hearing aids from two years ago and the new guy said that he did not know about it and the only ones he had were too powerful “they would plast your ear drums out” so as I’m waiting to get a new hearing aid, I’m without an ear. I can hear some but there’s reason I wear hearing aides lol.

I went to work on Tuesday. Dropped my bag off where I sit then went to the offices to say hi and see who’s in and if there is anything I should know. My supervisor asked me how the weather was but that was all he said. I talked to my coworker who was leaving and she told me that she wanted me to sign a bunch of time sheets before she goes. I thanked her. It is so nice of her to think of me and to know that maybe no one else will take the time to assist me. We waited till the supervisor left. I signed 20 sheets. She also found me my payroll number and the call center number which I wrote in my computer just in case someone asks.

Besides that, most of my 2 hours was spent looking on FB and playing games.

I found out I have to re-sign my affidavit for the civil suit, with a notary.

The commission of the blind has this job hire event on Marhc 20th where they’ll have companies there looking to hire people on the spot. So I went on a few mock interviews which I did horrible at. It felt like a fire quad instead of a conversation. So last Tuesday was my second mock interview. My email was down for a few days and I got it back Tuesday night. One of the emails I got said there is a list of companies attached. Check out the companies and apply to at least 3 jobs then fillout the application for the job hire, listing the jobs you applied for, the company names and rank them and it was due by Friday at 5pm. I also got a second email saying my social worker wanted to come over Wednesday to see my progress and if she could answr any questions. If I did not apply to 3 jobs and fill out the application, I would not be able to go to the job hire. I spent 4 hours that night looking for a job and I couldn’t find anything. Wedesday my socialworker was not happy with me and said to apply to anything you can do, just to get your foot in a door and so you are working more than your 4 hrs…you do want to work more than 4 hours, right? ooo that made me mad. I wasn’t going to apply for just any job. I looked again for jobs Wedneaday night and Fridayafternoon. I could not find a single job I either would want to do, I could do, or that was in my area. I felt a little bad but there is nothing I could do about it.
They wanted me to go to this job meeting on Wednesday March 5th in Boston for blind people looking for jobs. I went. It was 2.5 hours long. I know they got a lot more out of me than I got out of being there. It was very frustrating. There were was people with HS diplomas who were looking for entry level jobs and then there were people like me, who was looking for a professional career job. I think there was only one other person in the group of 9 who was looking in the same area as me.

So I still don’t have a lady or more than 4 HRS at work a week but I have baseball back 

previous entry: Use your illusion to get the girl *poem

next entry: 623 hockey game Texas Atlanta and reconnecting with an old friend

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Sorry work hasn't been going that great for you. I know it's hard when someone comes in and does things differently and doesn't seem to care what your thoughts are. I experience that a lot at work. We get new supervisers every few months. Literally. It makes me want to pull my hair out.

I'm sorry you're not having any luck with the ladies you've been chatting with. I wish people would stop being superficial and realize what a great guy you are.

Sounds like you had a pretty good birthday though..lots of yummy food it sounds like!!

I hope you get your new hearing aid soon. I'm glad you can still hear some, but I bet it's frustrating for you!

Yay for baseball!!

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