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xxxyou are the reason that i breathexxx
by .:kirstie.lynn:.

previous entry: so what?!

next entry: "wow. wtf" [famous words of j.a.h]

bunches of random questions.



What's the last thing you bought on the internet? i dont usually buy stuff off the internet.

Do you use sharpies? not too much.

Did your dad go to college? nah. he became a professional drinker...[aka, alcoholic]

Favorite place to be? my room.

What do you do on Friday nights? get drunk!

Do you have friends? ehh. i guess you could say that.

Your favorite peice of jewlery? my ring from aunt lisa..

Have you ever read 'The Bell Jar'? nah.

Name five items around you: purple pen, a book, like a million and a half more computers, danielle and chris.

What don't you like about yourself? the way i am.

Do you think you're smart? ehh..its debatable.

How old are you? eighteen.

Have you ever made a candle? once.

Do you have a digital camera? used to. someone stole that shit. [stupid fuckers.]

Have you ever seen 'a walk to remember'? yees...[tear**]

Do you like the color pink? its my fave!!

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? i do have a bf. but our relationship is slipping.

Are/were you homeschooled? no sir.

Pens or Pencils? Pens

Do you use post-it notes? i love them.

Do you believe in spaceships? who the fuck knows

Don't you think 'High School Musical' is terrible? hell no! i loved it!

What kind of music do you like? all kinds.

Whats you favorite band/singer? idk.

What profession do you want to go in to? hmmm, either communications or photojournalism.

Are you a fan of the Beatles? nah.

Do you like skinny jeans? nah.

Are you good at math? nah.

Do you watch the secret life of the american teenager? used to.

Gmail or AIM? MSN or Yahoo? msn and yahoo.

Do you go on roiworld? no sir.

Have you ever created a survey? nah.

MySpace or Facebook? MySpace

Last beauty product you bought? cover up.?

Does internet slang confuse you? some. i dont like to use it.

Is your hair long, medium or short? medium ish

Name three bad qualites about yourself: who the fuck knows.

Are you a member on LiveJournal or any other blog site? mmhm.

Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro? i dont really care.

Do you watch Gilmore Girls? no sir.

What's the last movie you went to see in theaters? i dont really remember.

If you were a square battery, where would you be? in a cellphone.

Are you happy right now? nah.

What's your favorite flower? the kind my sister had at her wedding, but i dont remember what they are called.

What generation do you feel you should of been a part of but wasn't? im good.

previous entry: so what?!

next entry: "wow. wtf" [famous words of j.a.h]

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