Time: 5:32pm
State of Being: nervous.. and excited.
Song lyric in my head:
current desire: for school to be awesome tomorrow!
where am I?: in the bedroom on the bed
what's that noise?: watching this documentary crime show about a murder. I might be an ID show or something similar. (edit: The Hunt with John Walsh )
So school starts tomorrow. It's here already. Wow. This new era is really starting. I'm on this whirlwind of emotions. Nervousness, stress, excited, terrified.
I will have five K/1 kids and 10 Elementary Foundations. (2nd-5th grade children on a lower level. Most have some sort of autism on the spectrum). I have an assistant named Kerri. She is extremely nice, and everyone in school tells me how wonderful she is. I'm excited to be working with her. This is an amazing beginning to my career.
So it's natural to be completely and utterly terrified, right? LoL!