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In the Twisted Mind of A twisted Person
by x_explosive_x

previous entry: Abit about me and the hell of this day (I want to die)

next entry: name look-up

Finally things are starting to look up


Finally things are starting to look up

I just checked my back account online only expecting £66 to be in there and I have gotten paid a whole 2 days before I normally do and it's gone up from the £50.50 a week I normally get as I am entitled to ESA now and when I looked there was £215.38 in the account and I have been paid £155.40 which means I get £77.70 a week which is great and will come in really handy for the wedding etc.

I'm sooo happy now

AND on top of that Clive from the forum has said that he will look into the missing payment for me yay heheherheheheh

sorry I'm really giddy now and I'm going to take Dan out to celebrate but he wont and doesn't know about it

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previous entry: Abit about me and the hell of this day (I want to die)

next entry: name look-up

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Welcome to the Snapshot Challenge! You have signed up for Challenge One. We will start the challenge on Monday, February 8, 2010. Remember to add me to your favorites list so you know all the details of the challenge(s). Thank you for participating! : )

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thank you for the welcome back =]i wouldn't mind finding out i'd got paid more than usual. =]

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Challenge one is posted. Please click HERE for information on the Challenge. The deadline for submitting your photo is February 14, 2010. Have fun!

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