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Jork's Diary
by Jork

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.x. Pray For David *Racism*


le strike

Prayers Needed

So me, David, and the kids went to the Dollar Store earlier to get stuff for the house. (Toilet paper, dish washing liquid, deoderant, etc.). We had about $60 worth of stuff in the buggy. We was in line. David had 2 $0.99 lint rollers in his hand that he was going to pay for off of his card and Elizabeth had some hair color but left her money in the car. So David said "I'll be right back baby, I'm going to grab Beth's money for her". He held the 2 lint rollers up so that the employees could see that he had them, and that he wasn't trying to steal them. He walked out to the car and the black guy that worked there went chasing after David and said "What's that you got in your hand?". David told him he was coming right back in, that his wife was in line waiting and he was just grabbing his daughters money. The black guy kept running off at his mouth and David told him he was coming right back in and to fuck off. The black guy that worked there started making racial remarks to David. Called him a cracker. The told him that he was nothing but a white trashy thief. By that time, I told the kids "Let's just go guys." and left my buggy full of stuff just sitting there. So David gets mad as hell that this random black guy is making racial remarks. Throws the 2 lint rollers at the black guy, and tells him to go fuck himself. Why in the hell would we steal 2 lint rollers when we had around $60 worth of other things, and he also SHOWED the lint rollers to the cashier as he was walking out to the car. But the black guy wouldn't listen. Kept running off at his mouth. We are all walking out to the car empty handed, black guy keeps running his mouth with his racist ass, so David throws it right back at him. Called him a nigger. Which we don't like that word but we aren't going to have people being racist towards us either.

Now keep in mind we had our kids with us while all this is going down, and I'm trying to get them in the car. The next thing I see is David walking to the car, and about 6 black people are running toward me and him. Before I could say anything, this black guy who was like 7 foot and about 400 pounds (don't know where he came from, didn't work at the dollar store, didn't know who he was) came running up to David with David's back turned, and starting just punching him repeatedly. Had David pinned up against the car just throwing punch after punch into David's ribs. David couldn't get up to defend himself because of the way they guy had him pinned down. I'm trying to push this guy off of my husband. This black girl gets in my face ready to hit me (hand raised and everything) screaming at me "Dont fucking touch him". So I got up in her face telling her I'm not fucking doing anything, I'm trying to get him off my husband. And that she needed to get the fuck out of my face. And as soon as I finished arguing the guy finally quit hitting David. David calls the cops, explains that he just got jumped and that he would be right down the road cause he didn't want to get jumped again. And they refused to come because David wouldn't sit there and wait for them to get there.

Now we have been home for a hours and David is extremely bruised. He has bruises on his back, on his chest, and ribs. He is having trouble breathing. And he can't hardly move. I am really worried about him. Both David and the guy that worked there were in the wrong, but the guy that worked there shouldn't have made racial remarks if he doesn't want it thrown back at him. But my husband didn't deserve to get beat like a dog over it, especially in front of our kids.

Like I said I can see it from both points of view, but if you don't want racial remarks marks made toward you, then you shouldn't do it to someone else either.

Please pray for my husband. He is in extreme pain, and I don't know what I can do for him.

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Wow that escalated quickly! Why didn't David just put the 2 lint rollers in the cart before going out to get the money? It would've avoided the whole situation.

[foreverglow|0 likes] [|reply]

why would he take something out of the store to begin with?
and why not just leave instead of hollering back with racial slurs?

[girlsetsfireStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I hope David is okay. That is awful, I have no idea why some people think they can get away with whatever they like then lack the ability to get it back.
I've met a black person like that before. (Kept claiming that his 'racism' was justified because of what white men did to his ancestors. Long before he and myself were born). Your husband didn't deserve that over lint rollers.
I do hope your kids are okay too, I can see they would be traumatised over the situation. Too young to witness something like that...
Personally, I believe you and your husband had every right to call him a nigger. If he was being racist to you, why can't he take it back? (I don't condone racism at all, baring in mind. I just don't like hypocrites either).

[LOLCHEESE|0 likes] [|reply]

Make him go to the hospital and have them call the cops.


So let me get this straight. This guy walks out of a store with unpurchased merchandise and says "I'll be right back?" Yeah. Okay. If I was the cashier, I'd also follow, because that's shoplifting, good intentions or not. And you know what, maybe the guy WAS being "racist" but the difference between a person of color being racist to a white man is that a black man's racism never barred a white man from getting jobs, education, voting privilages, or basic human rights. Racism from a black man is truly JUST words, and while it's unfortunate that it escalated to violence and never should of happened, everyone in this situation sounds like an idiot and your whinging about racism doesn't help.

[KELLY[Cooks].|0 likes] [|reply]

*applause* PREACH!

[girlsetsfireStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Everything I wanted to say! Besides, taking the lint rollers out of the store... Um. That's still shoplifting. Taking any merchandise out of a store without paying for it, even with the intention of coming back in to pay for it, is shoplifting. True, getting beat up like that wasn't okay either, but using racist terms right back? That's hypocrisy. Major.

[Oprah Noodlemantra|0 likes] [|reply]

You know, I know that blacks got the shit end of the stick back in the day...but that's different NOW. It didn't happen to the 24 year old cashier at the dollar store. Yes, David should have just put them in the buggy. I agree with that 100%. But it's not "whining about racism". It's pissed the fuck off that my husband now has a broken rib when I was still in the store waiting to pay, and a black guy can go and throw out racial slurs to my husband, but my husband can't do it back? That doesn't make sense in my head. Most people as a child were raised to "treat others the way you want to be treated".

[Darenda|0 likes] [|reply]

Why couldn't he just leave them with you? Or in the cart? Why would he take them outside? That looks bad in every way you can dream of, no matter what if he said I'll be right back. What store have you ever been that has ever said ' Oh it's okay' ?

Why didn't you guy's go to the ER or the cops? If all this happened out of no where and for no reason at all then I would have called the cops or gone to the ER. Most places have camera's outside on the parking lot for reason's like this and such.

Clearly you either left out something or I don't know what.. But come on seriously, you can't just say ' Be right back' and walk out of a store with an item and think that it's okay.

[AmyLou |0 likes] [|reply]

He honestly wasn't thinking, because where I work, or where we shop (places close to the house such as kroger, or the dollar store that is close to us) know us well, so they know that when one of us is in the store and the other walks out with something in their hand that we will come back. Like I said, I admit he should have just put them in the buggy but he just wasn't thinking. I have begged him now for 2 days to go to the hospital and he wont. No I didn't leave anything out. What I stated above IS what happened. I'm not denying that he should have put it in the buggy considering it wasn't a store we frequent at. I know he should have. All this could have been prevented, but that is what happened. And unless you are having racial slurs thrown at you then you dont know how you'd react until you are in that situation. We have mixed cousins. And they are like sisters to us. We are not in the least racist. But until you are having racial slurs thrown at you then you don't know how you will react. Same as any situation. You don't know the outcome til you go through it yourself.

[Darenda|0 likes] [|reply]

I don't understand why he would walk out of the store with unpaid product. You just can't do that. I'm not saying the cashier was right with the racial slurs, but David was in the wrong from the start by shoplifting.

[~Just the 3 of Us~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

It makes no sense at all. There is never a reason to walk out of a store with an item, especially these days. It was a stupid choice and not calling the cops was too. Makes you guys look sketchy. I've worked retail all my life and even if it was my own mother she isn't walking out of the store with it until she has paid. He made the first mistake.

[AmyLou |0 likes] [|reply]

we did call the cops. We was going to wait up the road cause all the black people were hanging around our car and we had our kids. They said it was the county, not the city and that they wouldn't be able to meet us (it was like 2 miles away from where the incident happened). That they couldn't help us if we didn't go back up there, park, and wait.

[Darenda|0 likes] [|reply]

Could have just been the bigger person and walked away.

[AmyLou |0 likes] [|reply]

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