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All you need is Love
by ✌-mel-☮

previous entry: careful what you wish for

next entry: new me! or me again!

so i quit


Time: 8:56am

State of Being: shock, panic, fear... can't figure out if I'm relieved yet. really hungry, yet nauseous. tired

Song lyric in my head: should i stay or should i go now

current desire: a new job

where am I?: in the bedroom on the bed

what's that noise?: watching Switched at Birth

I didn't sleep at all last night.

I quit my job today.

panic ensuing. Russ assures me we'll be okay. We'll be tight for a while, but okay. I called my mom, and she understood. Her brain works the same way as mine. Or mine works the same way as hers. She deals with mental issues too.

omg i quit my job. I haven't been unemployed in about 9 years, and that was for only a couple months while the hiring process was beginning for a new job after I moved back from Georgia to Florida. So in reality, it's been about 13 years since I've been unemployed.


it sucks, because i'm not a quitter. I HATE quitting. I feel like I failed at this.

Funny, because the one lady I thought I despised seemed so understanding and supportive. I kept telling her that I wasn't a bad teacher, and she was like "I never thought you were a bad teacher. This grade just isn't for you." She said if I ever needed a recommendation, she'll give it to me.

I told her I was quitting because of health issues. I didn't get into detail, and she didn't ask much. It is the truth. My health isn't good right now. I'm not myself. This crazy depressed person isn't me. I mean yes. I have bouts, but I can usually overcome them. This is different.

So I got all my stuff, gave her my keys, and Russ picked me up.

And I'm never going back. I'm freaking out. Because I love those kids. *sigh*

on another note, I have a job interview tomorrow. It's a part time English teacher for high school. Three hours a day 12-3. $30/hr. Another little private school. This one seems so cool and creative. Wish me luck.


previous entry: careful what you wish for

next entry: new me! or me again!

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I can honestly say I am proud of you for quitting. That job was turning you into someone you were not. You seemed so stressed and unhappy. You guys will be fine and I'm sure you'll find another job soon.

[*Pixie*|0 likes] [|reply]

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