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check your insanity at the door
by fifty shades.

previous entry: i'm not allowed to have different emotions.

next entry: screw me over some more

adjusting to adult life


adjusting to adult life
I pretty much broke down last night. I sat on the dock and thought about a lot of things. It all comes down to my having a hard time adjusting into the adult life, and not feeling like I'm not accomplishing anything.

I'm totally wrong about not accomplishing anything. I graduated college! That's a huge accomplishment. I figured out my main problem. I'm jealous of all the girls who can apply for teaching jobs because they have completed their student teaching unlike me. I have to do mine in the fall because of scheduling. It puts a damper on being in a good job, but oh well. It just sucks.

I'm currently studying off and on so I can pass the praxis.


I need a good weekend. :/

Laters x

crayon box

previous entry: i'm not allowed to have different emotions.

next entry: screw me over some more

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I am sorry your teaching was put off, but hang in there and one year will not make a difference years from now after you look back on your teaching degree and realize how many lives of students you have impacted.

[Ashyynacole|0 likes] [|reply]

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