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Check your insanity at the door ♥
by TangibleAnchors

previous entry: Yours, mine, and ours.

next entry: hoping and praying

Long weekend ahead.


Long weekendThe week following up to the long weekend took forever to get here. I thought it would have gone a lot quicker because of all the time off I had to take.

I ended up staying home Monday because of my back. It was giving me a ton of problems the last week. I had spinal fusion surgery when I was 12, so I deal with things like this from time to time. Monday I managed to go to the doctors for my back. She wants me to see an orthopedic, which is fine. I don't mind seeing someone who specializes in my issues. My doctor usually sends me to some place if she does not feel comfortable trying to fix it herself. On a regular basis, she does a great job. She gave me a strong anti-inflammatory to take along with a muscle relaxer. I took the muscle relaxer one night and haven't taken it since. I felt like crap the next day. I've been doing well with just the anti-inflammatory. The orthopedic office called me on Friday. They can't see me until a month from now. How useful is that? It's a good thing I have my pain under control right now. If I end up feeling better with no pain by the time my appointment is here, I might just cancel it.

The house stuff is going well. I know everyone wants to see pictures. I never took pictures on my phone when we saw the house. I can see if the house listing is still up. They might have taken it down because it's officially 'sale pending'. If that's the case, I will take pictures when we go for the house inspection. One thing scared us is the loan guy told us they might not accept the loan because Mark was short 1.50$ an hour. It made no sense to us because they told us before we were pre approved for a certain amount of money. We were told we needed a letter from someone higher up at Mark's job explaining there is overtime and pay increase coming up. Friday the loan guy called Mark around 5ish and told him we were set for the loan to go through. I told Mark to still get the letter and send it in with the pay scale form this week. So everything is good :]

We don't have that much planned for the long weekend and I love it. We've been non-stop for a while and it was starting to get to me.

Happy Memorial Day everyone :]


previous entry: Yours, mine, and ours.

next entry: hoping and praying

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You too have a wonderful holiday weekend. And Yes if the listing is still up post the link or I guess I will have to work for you to post pictures.

So excited for you and Mark.

[stickbug7Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I saved a bunch of pictures on my computer this weekend.

I will try and get them up this week.

[ASHL3Y.ANN_X0|0 likes] [|reply]

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