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by **Heather**

previous entry: OMG im worryed

next entry: a bit of relief

its hard...


It's really hard but I am trying to stay strong and positive for my Mom. She has been there for me through ALL my health problems so I feel like now it is MY turn to return the favor, so no matter I CAN'T and WON'T let her down. I am trying to put my trust in the Lord but I still find it hard. My eyes burn and I just want to bawl but I know that will only make things worse, when she cries I'm always telling her to think positivley and that she will get threw this and be a stronger person and it's hopefully nothing bad. No matter what, it could always be worse but I just hope we won't be finding out how bad it can be! I am so upset, and am going to be ALL day until I get that phone call that hopefully tells me everything is ok. I have been sick to my stomach and my side has been hurting bad ever since i found out. It's sad that bad things have to happen to good people. but i dk i guess all i'm asking for you all to pray for us.

previous entry: OMG im worryed

next entry: a bit of relief

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