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May 3rd.
by an adoption story

previous entry: Update.

next entry: Update + baby information. [Pregnancy photo]

Update - I'm pregnant again.


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Hello again!
I apologize that there haven't been any updates. This is the time when the updates will be minimal.

I am pregnant again. This time, I will be having a girl!
Even though I am very excited and having a great pregnancy, I don't break down all the time crying like I did with Niklas. I think it's because my stress level is lower then what it was before. This baby is very different from what Niklas was - which is great!
She is really active and I'm able to press down a little to feel her move. When Niklas moved, and I placed my hand just over my stomach, he was gone.

Sleeping is going well. I normally lay on my side, and she will shift and fall asleep with me. I normally will wake up, roll over and fall back asleep in the morning - but now, if I roll over or sit up, she will wake up and start moving.
We listen to Beethoven (same as when I was pregnant with Niklas) and I kind of wondered how she would feel about rap music. That was an extreme change for her. She kicked me so hard, I about fell off my bed. And continued kicking - harder than she ever had before. I switched the music back to classical and she stopped.
She seems to have quite the personality. When I went for my ultrasound, they turned the lights out and we settled back into the bed. The ultrasound girl found her face, and she was yawning. She then stretched out and went to sleep.

I had told my mum that I am pregnant again (this was a very hard thing to do) and she said that I need to call Niklas's adoptive mother.
I guess that Niklas's adoptive parents are ready for another child. His adoptive mother had mentioned that it would be amazing if I could give them another child.
I was worried that maybe they wouldn't be ready for another child, but 2.5 years apart for siblings is good, I think. They would than have a boy and a girl.
I'm waiting for her to call me back [:

previous entry: Update.

next entry: Update + baby information. [Pregnancy photo]

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Wow, this was unexpected. I bet Niklas's parents will be thrilled.

[girlsetsfireStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Oh wow, so you're going to give her to the adoptive parents as well if they are ready?

[Cuban Vixen|0 likes] [|reply]

may i be added?

[& skull.|0 likes] [|reply]

oh my. I'm sure they will be excited.
may i be added?

[just samma;Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Oh wow I hope she gets back to you soon!
Can I please be added?

[|stripes|Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Wow! Congratulations. You don't want to keep this child? If not, I think you are doing the wise thing in asking Niklas's parents to take her!

[recklessly abandonedStar|0 likes] [|reply]

2.5 years is a good age gap I'm sure they will be thrilled

[NeL|0 likes] [|reply]

That would be really cool if you could give him a sister if you weren't wanting to keep this child yourself. Congratulations. They are already doing such a great job with Nikilas so why not adopt your daughter. HOpefully you hear back soon.

[Comment Whore™Star|0 likes] [|reply]

wow thats really cool you are thinking about letting Niks parents take her, that would be really special for him knowing that his sister is from his birth mother!

[Mom2TwoBlueEyedBoys|0 likes] [|reply]

That would be awesome if they took her.

[2 in my ♥|0 likes] [|reply]

Hopefully everything works out the way you want it.

[international|0 likes] [|reply]

oh my gooodness! such wonderful news I wondered where you were. huggggs

I hope I'm added =)

[Cokeadot|0 likes] [|reply]

How many weeks are you? I think its great she was so open about thinking it was great you could give them another. Hopefully you hear back soon.
I was on the last list, not sure if it changed, but would like to be added again if I'm not.

[.Blue Bella.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm glad this pregnancy is going well for you. I hope it works out that you will get to give Niklas a sister. That is really amazing. You were definitely meant to find the adoptive parents I think I'm already added but if not, please add me.

[allottavAdina|0 likes] [|reply]

I bet they'll be so happy!

[xo heatherStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Hope I'm still ont he list!

And I was wondering where you were. :/

[♥{mrs.kronik}Star|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Update.

next entry: Update + baby information. [Pregnancy photo]

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