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May 3rd.
by an adoption story

previous entry: Massive update on ... email updates.

next entry: Niklas is 1 year old today!

Update - 46 weeks



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46 week update

Hello there! Man I can't believe how time flies! March is almost over and yet it seems like it just started.

Niklas is getting around so much more. He is a speed demon when he really wants to go after something (usually the cat!). He just takes off crawling and I can't help but worry that he'll fall on his face because he is going so fast. He walked behind his scooter and now his CAT truck. Sometimes he pushes the dining room chairs around too. He will walk with you if you hold onto both of his hands, but he isn't too steady that way yet... but I'm sure it won't be long and he'll just take off. He has managed to stand on his own for just a few seconds here and there, usually when he hasn't realized that he isn't holding onto the furniture.

This past week his top 2 front teeth broke through the gum and now there are 2 more (top and bottom) trying to come through. So far he hasn't had too much trouble with this round of teeth, just runny nose and lots of drool... but not anything we can't handle.

He has a HUGE appetite! This kid can eat! His favorite is still vanilla yogurt, but now we have added Cheerios to that list... I think he'd eat the whole box if I'd let him. He has started to want to feed himself more and more. He also has picked up one of my bad food loves.... french fries! He absolutely loves them! Baby food isn't all that cheap so I have been making some of it myself.

He finally decided that he can clap his own hands. He has been clapping our hands for us, but just this month he figured out he can clap too! It was so cute, that we took a video. He also has begun to squint his eyes really tight when he knows you are taking pictures of him. My Dad was taking pictures the other day when we were over there and he learned that just before the flash goes off a red light comes on, so when he saw the red light, he would squint! I will have to get some of those pictures from my dad and upload them next time.

On St. Patrick's Day the weather was so nice that I decided that we should get outside! I can't wait for the warmer weather... and I think Niklas is anxious for it too! He really loved being outside. Although he wasn't too sure about the grass. It was pretty funny, he wanted to crawl around but freaked out every time he put his hands down. Hopefully as the grass greens up he won't mind it so much. Our yard isn't fenced in yet, be we are hoping to fence in a portion of it so he can have a nice little play area. We live a block away from a nice community park, so I'm sure we'll spend lots of time there this summer too.

I hope everything is going well for you all. I hope we can arrange for another get-together here either before or after his birthday.

Well, I better get to bed. He'll be up around 8am with a big smile!

How I have been doing.

Someone asked how I have been doing, and I have been doing alright.
I mean, some days it's really hard. I think about him and feel guilty and bad that I wasn't able to care for him like I should have been able too; but then I think about the adoptive parents and those feelings go away immediately.

I'm so happy that I chose them as the adoptive parents.
I remember going through 30 profiles before I came to their profile; and I just knew.
There was no doubt or question in my mind. THESE were the people that were going to care for the baby.

I can't really explain what it was.
I read through their profile and still had the same feeling.

My parents were doubtful - everyone picked out someone, just for fun, but I didn't get that feeling with the other profiles.
I guess maybe I'm just stubborn.

The adoptive parents had normal pictures, normal habits and a normal life.
And they looked normal. Some families would be perfect for other people, but the adoptive parents I picked out lived a life like how I did.
Except the adoptive mother could not have any children at all, and Niklas was the missing piece of their puzzle.

When I met with the adoption counselor, I had talked to my mom (who accompanied me to every meeting and appointment) about the possibility of the adoptive parents being in the stack of profile books I was going to look at.

And there they were.

A beautiful book on their life and hobbies and family.

So, every time I feel guilty or sad, I can be throughly confident that I picked out the best adoptive parents for him and that I did what I could for him to have the best life he can have.

classic layouts

previous entry: Massive update on ... email updates.

next entry: Niklas is 1 year old today!

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I am so glad you can find comfort in knowing that the AP's were the best choice for your son, its always re-assuring when you've got such a great family like that.

I think about you often, esp when I am thinking of myself and my situation

[The Mama Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Glad to hear that you're doing well. The baby sounds like he's doing fantastic with those stellar parents you picked out.

[Hidden DepthsStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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