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May 3rd.
by an adoption story

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Email update!



The adoption process. |
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Email update!

Hi there this is [adoptive father]. Niklas has been doing very well over the last few weeks. A few weeks ago he started being able to get up on his hands and knees and kind of shake back and forth. After around a week of that he now wiggles for a while and then throws him self forward. He is very close to crawling and has taken a few forward moves without realizing it. He does a lot of rolling and dragging himself around now. It's a lot of fun to watch him on floor but you can't take your eyes off him for very long or he will roll/scoot over or under a piece of furniture. He also started making a low growling noise while he does this, almost like a little motor cycle reving up, then he will "drop the clutch" and throw himself forward. It's a good thing the play room has carpet on the floor.

We went to court on the 23rd to finalize the adoption with state of Michigan. Our adoption worker was there along with [the adoptive mother's] mom and my dad and my sister with her daughter (my niece) who is a few week older then Niklas. Niklas and my niece play well together, but she is a quite a bit more sensitive to small bumps then Niklas. While they were playing after court Niklas grabbed her elastic bow on her head pulled it up and let it snap back on her head. This sent her into yelling and him into laughing. Possibly just pay back for her stealing his pacifier last time they met but I am fairly sure it was just accidental. Court was exciting and emotional, the Judge was nice and gave Niklas a book and after the official part asked to hold him and have a picture taken. Everyone at the court house was very nice and they had a little reception set up with snacks and things while you waited. They did 11 adoptions that day, very busy. The staff was excited because so often they have to decide for one person against another which leaves some one angry or disappointed. They said adoptions are the only thing they do they are always entirely happy and joyful. There was a lot of crying but all happy tears.

Niklas had a very restless night the before Thanksgiving. He was up every hour or so and seemed to be very uncomfortable. In the morning we discovered that his first bottom tooth had cut through that night so you could feel a tiny razor edge in the gum and see a small white line. My cousin, who is in his last year at dental school, gave him a thorough check Thanksgiving day and said he was right on track. It took [the adoptive father's cousin] about 5 minutes to convince Niklas to open his mouth without sticking out his tongue but he finally figured it out and was able to see the tooth. We gave Niklas pumpkin pie, potatos, and roll for thanksgiving dinner but he still prefers the bottle. He eats some solid foods but he makes the most awful faces when he does it. They say that's normal because they are not used to the texture of solid food yet. He is suspicious of all "things on spoons" with the exception of french toast. He loves french toast, but it may be because he can feed it to him self and we put a little dab of maple syrup on it. We have so much to be thankful for this year the biggest of which is Niklas. [the adoptive mother] and I along with our extended family will always be thankful for you and your gift to us that allowed us to build our family.

My notes.

  • In one of the pictures, which I can't post since it has the adoptive parents in it, it shows Niklas in his little tuxedo vest and dress pants that he wore to the court. It was so sweet!
    I didn't know that places made little itty bitty tuxedos for babies.

  • The adoptive mother called me a couple days ago, and we made plans to meet up with my immediate family for dinner. My mom wanted to see Niklas before they left for the winter and I'm excited to see the adoptive parents and Niklas myself.
    I just hope that no one (as in strangers) say anything stupid and let us have our privacy.
    Some people, like strangers and waitresses, like to stand around and oggle at everything.
    It's like, yes Niklas is very cute and I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but there is only so much time we (as in my family) have with him. I don't like people taking up that time. I know it's kind of selfish, but a question or two is fine, but to stand there for 10 minutes means that I missed out on 8 minutes to spend with them.

  • I chatted with the adoptive mother about Niklas and how they were doing, and she said that sometimes she wants to give him back to me. Lol. I'm sure all mom's want to do that at some point, especially if they are stay at home moms. I didn't take any offense to it. I know that sometimes she has a hard time, since she is a lot like me and sometimes doesn't have the patience. But, like I said, I think that goes for almost everyone.

  • I was thinking about sending the birth father a picture of Niklas via email. But I'm kind of scared that he will be rude about it. But I really feel bad that I haven't sent him a picture yet.
    I also feel bad that I didn't have him at the hospital. But I know my family would not have been kosher with that. I feel as though I should have involved him more. But it's never too late.

    classic layouts
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    I'm excited for you that you get to see him soon!!

    [Cuban Vixen|0 likes] [|reply]

    Thank you so much for your posts. It just makes me realize that when it's our time, I hope that we have a birth mom that is just as amazing as you.

    [ASKtheteacher|0 likes] [|reply]

    Wow! His first tooth? What a milestone! Just wait til that lil one is running them ragged!

    Glad to hear you guys are going to meet up again soon, thats wonderful. Hopefully people will keep their noses out of your business this time around.

    [The Mama Star|0 likes] [|reply]

    It sounds like he is doing really good and that the family was a perfect choice for him. I don't blame you at all for wanting more time with him. Just becuase you didn't keep him doesn't mean you don't love him and want to be with him. I think making the decision to put your child up for adoption is one of the most mature things someone could do. LOL I totally get what she means about giving him back. I love my kids to death though sometimes i wish I coudl give them away too. That doesn't mean I woudlnt' want them back right away.

    [Comment Whore™Star|0 likes] [|reply]

    im excited you get to see him again soon

    is the birth father asking for a picture? i'd only send him one of he's asking for one.

    [.Ban.Ignorance.|0 likes] [|reply]

    I just came across your diary & have read several entries. You did an amazing thing by blessing that family with such a sweet little one.

    [Adrian|0 likes] [|reply]

    i think it'd be a good idea to send him a picture, and just let him know that he shouldn't be a dick about it or anything and you're just doing it in case he wants to know how niklas is.

    [brooke !|0 likes] [|reply]

    I am so glad you get updates!

    [Mom2Twins|0 likes] [|reply]

    Awww I u think u and the parents would be friends??? Unless u guys are already friends

    [*~His Mrs.Right~* Star|0 likes] [|reply]

    You should be on a Hallmark card for adoptions. Your adoption arrangement is perfect! What will you get Niklas for Christmas?

    [xo heatherStar|0 likes] [|reply]

    [ Avonlea@ITW|0 likes] [|reply]

    lol yes they make Tuxedos that small even in dog size lol my sister got one for her chihuahua before her wedding though nearly lost a finger getting it on him. Don't scold yourself for not involving the birthfather enough, if he wanted to be soooo involved he would have hunted you down.

    [F C U K|0 likes] [|reply]

    aww I'm so glad that everything is going well!! And yay for the first tooth!!!!

    [♥, Julie™Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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